Chapter 4

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I should really go and get my wand.

Nevermind. Mum put it in the coat pocket.

How much money do I have?

A hundred pounds.

Nice, mum.

I've been walking for a long while, and finally, I arrive at the shopping mall.

I walk into one of the shops. I need a signature clothing of course. Just like my father. And I need pajamas. Comfortable ones. Something tells me I won't be going home a whole lot.

I found a perfect outfit. Its a nice wool sweater that I wear under my dad's coat, soft skinny jeans, black boots, and my dad's coat of course.

I pay the store owner the owed money and I leave, realizing that I'm starving. I haven't eaten in 5 months! I grab a burger and chips and I walk outside, sit down and eat it.

A man comes up to me. A strange man with crazy brown hair and a mental look in his eye.

"Hello, Doctor."

"You. You stole energy from the TARDIS."

"I did no such thing. Why and how would I steal that?"

"It's in your eyes! The heart of the TARDIS. You absorbed it."

"It came to me." I say. "I was acquiring power. My sixteenth birthday. I went into a coma like state and I wake up 5 months later knowing everything about the universe."

"But why you?" he asks pacing back and forth. "You of all the witches acquiring power at the time. Why you?"

"I dunno."

"I've been looking everywhere for you! For five months! I've looked into the eyes of thousands of strangers looking for the golden heart of the TARDIS."

"What makes you think I absorbed it. Maybe it was someone else."

"No. I know it's you. I'd recognize it anywhere. The glowing gold. It's not a natural eye color."

"My eyes are blue!" I say in protest. "Not gold!"

"You absorbed energy from the heart of the TARDIS. I need you to come with me."

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