Chapter 28 ~ Screams

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Whisper's P.O.V

I woke up in a strange room with Rey. She was asleep, knocked out cold. A door opened to my right revealing that man Kylo Ren.

"WHERE IS HE" I screamed out at him

"Where is who" he asked playing dumb

"WHERE IS BEN, BRING HIM BACK TO ME" I yelled, Kylo Ren shook his head

"He's right here" Kylo said

"I don't see him," I argued, and Kylo pulled at his mask. His hands shaking. Was this going to turn out like I think this was going to turn out? Is Kylo Ren my childhood friend? No this couldn't be! Ben would never go to the dark side! Slowly the mask was removed from Kylo's face. That familiar black hair, his nose. Ben was underneath that mask. A large red scar was now present on his face. Ben's eyes were filled hate, sadness, and love? I was always able to read Ben's emotions by looking into his eyes. Love, I never ever had seen love in his eyes. 

"I'm sorry" he whispered to me

"Ben" I asked and the same door opened again.

"Ben we have to go Kory is back on board" A woman said she had (e/c) eyes and Beautiful (h/l) (H/c) hair. Ben turned towards her and nodded. They both walked out shutting the door behind them without another word. Rage bubbled up inside me. I screamed out, one loud scream. Tears poured onto my cheeks. I couldn't believe Ben... My Ben fell subject to the dark side. So many emotions just came out of me. 

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" I screamed again, this time a few storm troopers entered the room. One attending to Rey, they put a mask on her filling it with a white gas. Two of them came over to me, one had a syringe. The other one pulled up my sleeve and I began to jerk around

"We apologize on Ben's behalf but we cannot have this much noise" One said I couldn't tell which one. I felt a small pinch on my right arm, I cried. This cannot be happening

"Ben will be able to visit again once you've calmed down" The other said, I leaned my head back sniffling. Ben, why? I felt my eyes get droopy. I didn't want to be forced to go to sleep. They couldn't do this to me! I opened my eyes as wide as I could make them go and began to sing. Singing always kept me up. I fought against the sleep medicine. It was no use, I felt so tired. I sang until my voice was a whisper and the world faded to black. 

Ben I'll get you back to the light side. Even if it kills me. 

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