Chapter 19 ~ It Hurts

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I sat in a bed hooked up to monitor looking things. I was bandaged up all over. Everything hurt, I wonder if Ben is doing okay... Wait Ben. I opened my eyes and saw Ben sitting next to me in a chair. He had his face in his hands and his hair was a mess.

"B-Ben" I stuttered out

"(Y/n) oh god your awake I thought you were dead" Ben said looking at me "how do you feel" he asked

"It hurts... A lot and everywhere" I replied groggily

"Oh sweets I am so sorry I should have been by your side" Ben said

"It's okay I wasn't alert enough it's my own fault" I said trying to move but wincing from the pain it caused.

"No it wasn't your fault I should have trained you more for these situations" Ben said looking at the wall

"Ben it's fine I'll live you have me great training" I said hoping to make him feel better

"Sweets your so tough I have to go if you need me just yell" Ben said getting up

"Okay" I replied and Ben placed a kiss on my forehead. I smiled and watched as Ben left the room. I stared at the ceiling and a tear slipped from my eye. I miss Chewy, I can't believe I killed him. That's when I heard a small screech. Soon I saw Kory she was breathing heavily and stopped at my room

"(Y/n) there is a large hairy beast outside who is asking for you he has a crossbow" Kory yelled and my eyes shot wide open

"Chewy?" I asked and Kory shrugged but sure enough I heard that familiar gurgling noise. "CHEWY" I screamed pushing the pain away, I heard loud footsteps and saw the big furry Chewy. He smiled at my presence

"Ahahahahhahahaha" he said

"I know chewy I thought you were dead" I said delighted to see him

"Ahahahhahahahahah" he replied

"You weren't in your room? What do you mean I saw you" I argued surprised at the fact Chewy wasn't trying to murder me right now

"Ahahahhahahahaha" he said happily

"I'm so sorry Chewy I am just glad your alive you can stay with us if you want" I offered

"Ahahah ahahahahahhahaha" he said nodding his head. I smiled and lifted my arms, which is when I saw I had stitches all over. I looked at them "ahahahahahhahaha"

"No it wasn't Kylo it was a Jedi I was fighting" I answered

"How do you understand him" Kory asked

"I don't know I just kinda know" I replied and sat up in my bed and gave Chewy a hug. "I'm so sorry about everything I will try to make it up to you" I said and Chewy nodded, going god he is alive.

I couldn't bear having chewy dead so basically you killed a blanket not chewy. Anyway see you next time my stormies!!!

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