Chapter 5 ~ Jedi Knight

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I watched as Metiong practised summoning a light saber. It was amusing, watching someone unlock their force powers. Did Ben think it was amusing watching me when I first used the force? I laughed softly at the thought and the skidding on the floor of a saber became less violent. I grinned as the saber became air born and flew into Metoing's hand.

"I did it" he said happily turning on his lightsaber

"Good job but we need to get you to the point where there is no skidding" I said and activated my lightsaber and attacked Metoing. His reflexes were perfection and his form was better. Metoing could be a potential Jedi Knight, of course for us. We fought for a while, until he got me into a force hold. I smirked and forced the energy away from one of my arms and picked him up off the ground.

"Let me down" Metoing whined

"Nope I like to play with my prey first" I laughed a little darkly. I pointed my finger for effect and began to shake Metoing. If he could withstand this he will definitely be a knight. I lifted him all of the way to the ceiling then sent him strait towards the floor. He screamed and braced for impact... But saw he was centimeters from the floor. I laughed and stood him upright, I dropped him.

"Jesus woman" Metoing said and I cocked my head

"What did you just say" I asked and lifted my hand a little

"Nothing I swear" He replied and I laughed softly, he's got an attitude.

"Sure" I said "anyway I would like it if you could be one of the Jedi Nights for us" I asked

"It would be an honor" Metoing said and I nodded

"Good" I said pausing "you will train after the normal Jedi's are done being trained"

"Yes ma'am" Metoing said

"Now leave" I ordered spotting Kylie looking at us, Metoing hurried out and glanced at Kylie "hi Kylie" I said

"Mommy Kylo Jr stole my lightsaber and are making the meaps fight" she complained, I nodded walking over to her and picking her up.

"We will take care of that" I said and we walked out of the training room "where is he" I asked

"In daddy's room" Kylie replied and I hurried, I wouldn't want any meaps dying. I turned into my room and saw Ben and Kylo Jr standing around a group of meaps. They had tiny Lightsabers and were hitting each other

"BEN" I yelled

"What" he asked "seriously nothing has been this entertaining since we took over our first planet"

"Aww how romantic" I said sarcastically "no more fighting they are too cute to die" I said picking up the fighting meaps. They made cute Meap noises and mine sat on my shoulder

"Fine" Ben said "but-"

"No butts, butts are for pooping" I said making the kids giggle and walked out

I am so sorry it took me this long to update. Also how do you like my warface? See ya later my stormies!!!

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