Chapter 16 ~ Plans

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"Okay so here is what is going to happen I am going to "fly the ship" to the resistance base. Then once I am there I am going to go find Rey and tell her about the dark side being a mistake so I captured you" I started "then Rey will keep you in a cell since they need a special thing for execution once everyone is asleep I'll let you out and we can go kill Leia, ffin, Luke and Rey." I ended

"But what about the droids" Ben asked

"We can deactivate them just use the force" I said "simple"

"I wish I had you here a long time ago sweets" Ben said

"Same here" I said and Ben leaned towards me kissing me on the lips. He snaked his tongue into my mouth and our lips moved in sync. I tangled my fingers into Ben's black hair and he wrapped his arms around my waist. Ben walked me back to a wall and pressed me against it. He moved to my neck and left love marks on my collarbone making me moan a little. Ben looked back up at me and kissed me again. Ben twisted his head deepening the kiss. My head began to spin and I felt a little woozy. That was when I fell into Ben's arms and blacked out

Ben's P.O.V

Oh shit, what did I do? (Y/n) lay still in my arms. I picked her up and brought her over to our bed. I layed her down and watched her sleep peacefully. She hugged the pillow, I kissed we forehead and left the room.

I went to go to the training room to see how my new army is doing. I walked in and was impressed I saw all men training with new suits on and Kory standing keeping everyone in order.

"Where is (y/n) I never see you two apart" Kory asked walking up to me

"She fell asleep so I came to see how things are going" I replied, Kory laughed

"Well everyone seems to be doing well, we have only had one guy cause problems" Kory informed me


"G2408 he tried to shoot himself"

"Oh but we have plenty others doing well right"

"Yeah they feels it is a better place than home, they are fed and sheltered that's all they care about" Kory said crossing her arms

"Good soon we should have a massive army we already have plans for the resistance too" I said

"That's awesome I think you got yourself an amazing lady Kylo" Kory said

"She is beyond amazing" I said back

"I can imagine well I have to get back to keeping these guys in line so talk to you later" Kory said running off

"Bye" I said as I turned to leave, I for once felt like I could succeed

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