Chapter 14 ~ Even Bad Guys Need Lazy Days

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I flopped onto bed and took off my robe and mask. I yawned, taking over planets is hard Metaphorically speaking. Soon I was greeted by Ben entering the room and joining me in bed. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand

"One of the Stormtroopers asked me if you were single" Ben said

"Pfft haha wow" I laughed

"You know how badass you looked out there it took me years of training to do what you just did. Kill with no mercy stay calm and not turn your head when you kill" Ben said


"Yeah pretty much"

"Hey Ben"

"Yes sweets"

"Want to have a lazy day"

"What's a lazy day"

"It's where you sit in bed all day and hang out" I said

"Okay that sounds fun" Ben replied, he turned over and exhaled into his pillow



"Did you like Luke very much" I asked

"Not at all I hated the way he taught and how he related it to bright and happy things all of the time" Ben responded

"I only got to see him once" I said

"He wasn't very badass he looks like a mall Santa" Ben joked

"What's a mall Santa" I asked

"Uh absolutely nothing I never said anything" Ben said quickly

"Your weird you know that" I said poking Ben's chest.

"Yes I'm aware" he responded, wrapping his arms around me. I giggle and snuggle into Ben's chest.

"Ben I love you" I said

"I love you too" Ben replied stroking my hair "no matter what"

"Yeah, no matter what" I said and drifted off to sleep muttering things as I went

Ben's P.O.V

I watched as (y/n) fell asleep. She is the only force that works against me. She's so beautiful, and the way she looked out there. I'm glad she couldn't see under my mask I was blushing. I don't mean to do the things I do, throw tantrums, stuff like that. I smiled looking down at her, how could I leave her alone on the planet? I still can't forgive myself for that. At least I have her now with me, I'm never letting go of her again.

"You don't get it, I'm a heartless animal but you don't treat me like one. I am madly in love with you, I can't help it. It's crazy I have never met someone like you. So willing to come to the dark side, so willing to love a monster like me. I love you so much and I know you won't hear this but I'm still going to say it" I said stroking (y/n)'s soft (h/c) hair. She is so beautiful when she sleeps, I am so glad she's mine. But she's mine and no one else's. I don't want to lose her to someone else. I love her to death though and we will take over the Galaxy.

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