Chapter 22 ~ Blood Boiling Anger

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I felt rage course through me. How dare they hurt Ben, how dare they. I paced back and forth as we fled. Rey was still sleeping, Ben told me he wasn't so sure about bringing her along because of her force powers. The part that made me the most mad was Ben's voice. It was pitiful and filled with hurt. I stopped in my tracks. Was this what Ben thinks before he throws a tantrum? I shook the thought off and kept walking. I felt a hand grab my shoulder

"(Y/n) please sit down" Ben said and I did, next to him. I put my head on his shoulder and glared at Rey. I felt the transport ship land and the doors open. I got off carrying Rey with the force. She floated effortlessly through the air. I handed her sleeping body off to a storm trooper and he went to go put her in the metal chair. This time only Kory, Ben and I were allowed to interact with her. 

"Ben what if we blackmail the resistance" I asked catching up with him

"That might be a good idea do you have any price though" Ben asked

"Um maybe we could get a few X-Wings for parts. We could study them and learn their biggest weaknesses. Might make us stronger" I suggested

"That might work, so Rey is going to be put in the steel containment area, she won't be able to interact with any storm trooper and the room is force proof... well to her" Ben said 

"Great but who was it you were fighting with" I asked tugging at Ben's sleeve, it ripped off into my hand easily. 

"One of the new Jedi Luke is training they don't barely know how to fight" Ben scoffed 

"Yeah says the guy who got beat up by one" I replied

"I know but I only lost because one had stolen a flamethrower" Ben said and I turned to him

"Did you get burnt" I asked

"Yeah all up my back" he replied, I nodded and took him into our house. I heard giggles ring throughout the house and Kory singing. She rarely ever did, but it was pleasant when she sang. Ben and I escaped to our room and Ben took off his robe. A huge burn starting from his tailbone ran up his back to his shoulder blades. I put my hand near the burn and Ben winced

"Let's go get you to the hospital wing" I said and Ben nodded and we walked out of our room and down four flights of stairs. We walked down a hallway to the right and turned into the hospital wing. Doctors immediately swarmed Ben and he laughed a little. I crossed my arms, they got him laying down on a bed. One doctor began putting cleaner on his back. He winced and my anger returned. A million different thoughts ran through my mind at once. The resistance is going to pay for this, soon. And they won't see it coming.

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