Chapter 10 ~ Finding Kylo

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Well I thought thought that this chapter sounded like finding nemo so I found a nemo with a Kylo Ren mask on.

(Y/N) P.O.V

I got back onto the ship and saw no Kylo. I looked around a little and he wasn't anywhere to be found. I glanced at Kory and Kylie

"Girls have you seen Kylo" I asked

"Well last time I saw him he was picking up his light saber" Kory said

"Uh Ben please come here" I yelled

"Yes what do you need" Ben asked

"I need all of our storm troopers and Jedi on a search warrant. Kylo is missing" I said trying not to tear up in front of other people 

"Oh my god" Ben whispered "ALL STORM TROOPERS AND JEDI I WANT ALL OF YOU OUT SEARCHING FOR MY SON. I KNOW YOU KNOW WHAT HE LOOKS SO GET OUT THERE" Ben yelled, all storm troopers ran off the ship and Jedi activated their lightsabers. Storm troopers began breaking into houses and searching

"Ben" I said hugging him

"We will find Kylo" Ben said and walked off the ship "Go back to the Starkiller keep Kylie close, Kory I want you by my side" Ben yelled "Metiong keep my family safe"

"Yes sir" Metiong said and the ship doors closed. I could hear yelling

"Mommy where is my brother" Kylie asked

"He is out with daddy right now he will be back in a little while he wandered off" I said

"Oh I thought for a second he got taken" Kylie said, I held back tears and forced a smile

"No honey he just wandered off" I assured her as we took off. I saw a worried look in Metiong's eyes. I smiled weakly at him

"We'll find him don't worry" he said

Sorry this is a short chapter, the next one is going to be extra long though. I just wanted to update quickly. I am going to a jump craze, anyway see you next time my stormies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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