Chapter 22 ~ The Force is Strong Here

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I woke up to being shook

"Sweets get up you need to train" Ben said as I slowly woke up. I rubbed my eyes and yawned, Ben backed up and handed me my lightsaber. "You left this at the planet"

"Whoops" I said giggling a little. I brushed out my hair and put on a new set of clothes. I put my new lightsaber in my belt and walked with Ben to the training room. I still wondered what I heard when I fell asleep, but I imagine things all of the time. I shook it off as we entered the training room. Stormtroopers trained and the people we captured were working with lightsabers. I smiled, we were growing. Ben stopped me on a mat. He activated his lightsaber, so I did as well. We immediately engaged in battle and I spun my lightsaber making a trail of light. I smirked and Ben tried to attack but couldn't make it through my circle. I giggled as he kept making failed attempts, he growled and suddenly my lightsaber stopped against my own will. I felt it the force, it wasn't very strong but if was effective. I made a sound of defeat but tried to use the force as well. 

When I closed my eyes it was like buzzing. Everything seemed to be in mass chaos. I dismissed it and took the energy I felt and tried to push it towards Ben. It was hard but I felt it start to move. Slowly I was able to move my arms again, more and more. I pushed with all of my might and opened my eyes, Ben swiped at me. I dodged it and pulled up my lightsaber. We clashed our lightsabers together and occasionally stopped each other with the force. It got easier to move things the more I had to use the force. Our battle seemed to drag on. My energy draining as we went, I breathed harder and my hits became softer. Ben swiped one last time and I fell to the ground. I held my hands up in defeat and Ben deactivated his lightsaber. We were both breathing heavily and everyone in the room was staring at us.

"Good your force is strong but you are still just beginning. I expect more out of you next time we train. As for the rest of you start training. NOW" Ben yelled the last part and walked out of the room I slowly got up. I would be sore soon, I could feel it. I walked out of the training room and saw Ben right outside, he immediately hugged me "You did great" he whispered and put me down immediately and returned to his serious personality. 

"T-thanks you d-did g-g-great too" I replied, and Ben chuckled

"It'll get easier just you wait" Ben said "By the way when we are around other people call me Kylo or sir just so people think we aren't together"


"Well because being in love is a weakness, if someone were to kill you I'd be crushed. It would be hard for me to carry on, you are another way someone can take me down. It's best to keep it hidden" Ben said 

"That makes sense, but we can be friends around other people right" I asked

"Yes you'll be head of the Jedis I think you'd be good at that and you will have something to do when we aren't conquering the galaxy" Ben replied

"Ooh cool so what do I do with Jedis" I asked

"Well basically you need to make sure they are getting training and it's your responsibility to keep them alive and to execute traitors" Ben informed me

"Great" I said a little giddily and we walked into our bedroom

"I am exhausted from that" Ben chuckled 

"Yeah same" I agreed and if on cue we both fell onto the bed and fell asleep.

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