Chapter 11 ~ Our Room

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"So this place is pretty big huh" Kylo said "it's a lot smaller than the Starkiller Base but is way larger than the Death Star I like it" Kylo said, I laughed. We opened the doors to the building and I immediately jaw dropped. This place was amazing, sure I already knew how it was supposed to be layed out but the Sentients made it look even more amazing.

"Wow" Kory said and I nodded

"Hey (y/n) I want to show you our room" Kylo said

"Our room" I asked but was cut off by suddenly being pulled up a set of stairs. A long hallway was set at the top. Kylo pulled me down to the last door and opened it. Inside was a massive bed with black sheets on it. A large dresser, bathroom, closet and a line of light sabers and battle stuff on the walls

"Do you like it" Kylo asked

"I love it" I responded and jumped up onto the bed. "This bed is like sleeping on a cloud" I said

"Yeah it's huge and fluffy and black I like it better than the last bed" Kylo said laying next to me "I'm sorry" he added

"For what" I asked

"Giving you away" Kylo's face became red

"I forgive you I know how much you needed this ship" I replied

"No I should have just paid them the portions" Kylo said

"But you got the ship for free and besides I made a new friend too" I said and Kylo wrapped me into a hug

"Sweets you don't know what you do to me" Kylo said making my face red

"Ky why did that Sentient call you Ben"

"Well Kylo Ren isn't my real name is Ben Solo"

"Cool so can I call you Ben"

"You can call me whatever you want" Ben said kissing my forehead

"Your so nice, Ben how can you be mean" I asked "I mean like you're super nice to me but to other people your like a bitchy man whore" I said

"Well I am a bitchy man whore because it gives me more power. I'm nice to you because you have total power over me" Ben replied

"Awe galactic badass bitchy man whore is a softy" I teased kissing Ben

"I guess I am" Ben said chuckling, I giggled a little and snuggled into Ben's chest. I felt safe, even though Ben could kill me if he wanted to. I smiled and looked around the room. I began to doze off, what's with me and sleeping all of the time?

Hello my stormtroopers, I am done updating for the night but I promise I update back and forth tomorrow. Okay goodnight/morning/afternoon/evening you know when you are reading this. :D

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