Chapter 18 ~ Wounded Warrior

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Ben and I were headed to one of the hardest to conquer planets; Pleron. The last time it was defeated was a millennium ago. We headed out and I was nervous

"Hey don't be scared we don't have the resistance to worry about so these people should be easier to defeat" Ben said

"But they have Jedi's" I replied

"You'll do fine just remember what we did in training" Ben said and the horrible memory from Ben's light saber came flooding back, a large scar was leftover from that. The ship landed and I sucked in a large breath of air. I put my mask on and pulled my hood up. I activated my light saber and the doors opened. We had many Stormtroopers maybe even more than we needed. Ben and I walked out and saw Lightsabers being activated lighting up the night. Most of them were blue but a few green were thrown in here and there.

"You can't take us" One man yelled and the Jedi's charges us. I got into a fight with one and ended up taking his light saber. He got on his knees and raised his hands. I nodded and two Stormtroopers took him away. I now had two light sabers to work with. I twirled them in my hands and smiled under my mask. I took on two Jedi's at once and won against both of them. That is until I felt the horrible burning sensation from my back to my leg. I screamed out in pain and fell to the ground where the Jedi's slashed me a few more times before being pulled off

"(Y/N)" A familiar robotic voice said and everything went quiet "you take her onto the ship keep her safe if you hurt her more than she already is your punishment will be worse than being pulled apart slowly" Ben growled

"Yes sir" a shaky voice said and I whimpered as the pain became worse I blacked out

Ben's P.O.V

Now I was mad, no I'm furious. I am going to kill that man that hurt (y/n). I looked around for him and saw him battling one of the Stormtroopers. I growled and ran up behind him. I grabbed his collar and pulled him aside. I held him down with my foot as I burnt him in various place then destroyed his face. He screamed but soon died from blood loss. I went around killing everything in my path until a man arose from the shadows in defeat.

This planet is mine and I promise you won't ever get hurt again sweets I thought to myself  as I boarded my ship again and took off. I ran around looking for (y/n). I hope she's okay

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