Chapter 16 ~ Finally

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I quickly ran about excitedly. The kids were going to stay with Chewy and Kory on planet Phantomhive. Kory's home planet, Ben and I were going to finally be alone. No duties, we are hiding from the resistance. The Galaxy was named Funtum. Off the maps and a beautiful place. The transport ship took off as Ben leaned in for a kiss. I had the expectation of a ewww to be heard. But nothing, just silence. Ben pulled away and he too looked surprised

"Do you hear that" he asked

"No what is it" I replied

"Silence" Ben said and I giggled a little. We began to walk down the hall and past the white room. Which was now entirely black. Kylo who much like his father took after his tantrums. Kylie was more peaceful. If Kylo didn't get a toy, white room, he didn't get a snack, white room. Which was very handy at some times. I saw a group of Stormtroopers walking by as we passed

"Sir" I said stopping in the hallway. The stormtroopers stopped and looked at me

"Yes ma'am" they chanted

"Go notify the technicians that I want this room fixed" I said and they nodded, and continued to walk.

"Yeah that room is looking rather crappy" Ben admitted "and smells like people were smoking weed in a church"

"What the hell" I said

"Nothing gosh I need to stop doing that" Ben replied making me laugh

"You're weird you know that" I said

"Yep I know" he replied planting a kiss on my cheek. I blushed a little at the sweet gesture. Ben chuckled as he saw my face and we kept walking. We finally made it off the ship and onto the new planet. The whole place was ancient, old temples, huts, large trees. It was beautiful, I looked into the distance. I saw a large brilliant blue lake, and a hut by it. Ben grabbed my hand and we began to walk.

"Wow this place is beautiful" I said with awe

"I thought you might like it here" Ben smirked as we continued to walk towards the lake

"What's the weather like here on average" I asked

"Well it's the same everyday" Ben started "In the mornings it is foggy and rainy, but then in the afternoon it clears up and is really warm and sunny. Then by evening it becomes cool and normally thunder clouds roll in"

"Sounds like my kind of weather" I said and Ben chuckled

"It is actually kind of peaceful" He agreed, we continued out walk down to the hut I saw earlier

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