Chapter 20 ~ Kory's Parents

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Ben and I headed out of the house. We walked in silence, I smiled as I watched the mist fade away. It was getting to be mid day. I felt a hand wrap around mine. It was at moments like this the real Ben shone through. Well the sweet caring side of him anyways. I leaned a little closer to Ben.

"Ben I don't want to go back" I said and he chuckled

"Me too we should visit this place more often" he suggested

"We should" I agrees

Time skip brought to you by SevynL seriously if you like creepy pasta or Fnaf go check out his books. I guarantee you will love them. He is a writer at the finest

I took a step onto a porch. I knocked on the door and waited. Ben behind me, I looked at him and smiled but he couldn't see under my mask. The door opened and I whipped my head back around

"Hello is Kory here" I asked a red headed lady stood in the doorway. She looked like Kory but her hair was shorter and she had black eyes

"Yes come in" the lady said, I let out a quick breath and looked around. Faintly I could hear giggling down the hall. I kept wondering if I was hearing things until I heard a trademark yell

"AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA" Chewy yelled loud and clear. I lugged a little

"The kids are playing in the back please have a seat Kory is out getting a few things for lunch" Kory's mom gestured for the chairs in the living room. I nodded and removed my mask. Ben did the same and I set it by my shoes.

"So you're okay with Kory working for us" I asked

"Yes I am glad she got a position on the Star Destroyer. I always wanted to work for the first order but they only visited planet Phantomhive once oh by the way my name is Kasey" she said

"It is very nice to meet you" Ben said and the door opened revealing Kory. She had rags on instead of her suit. She kicked off some worn down shoes and handed her mother a bag. Kory's hair was in a ponytail and she had a big smile on her face

"Hi" she said giving me a hug

"Hey" I replied and I heard feet stampeding down the hall. I looked at the hall and Kylo and Kylie were rushing out.

"MOMMY" Kylie squealed hugging my leg

"I missed you" Kylo said and Ben picked him up

"Have you been good" Ben asked

"They were perfect Angels" Kasey said

"Good" I replied and Kasey turned around

"Lunch is ready" she said

"YAY" Kylo and Kylie squealed in unison, well time to get used to having the kids back

Booooooopidddddyyyy bloop

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