Chapter 2 ~ Training

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"(Y/n) wake up you have training to do" Kylo shook me as I began to open my eyes "Good your awake we start training now I got you a light saber and I have clothes for you" Kylo said "be ready in five" he ended tossing me a light saber, I caught it and looked it over. I held it away from my face and activated it. It buzzed and a purple light sprung out of it. I smiled turning it off. I liked purple, I wandered over to the dresser and opened the top drawer, it was filled with black skinny jeans and tight black T-shirts. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a shirt and got changed. I grabbed my light saber and walked out. Kylo stood in the hallway and looked at me.

"Where are we going to go" I asked and Kylo immediately activated his light saber. Panicking I did the same and held it up at my face. Kylo's light saber hit mine making a sizzling sound. I opened my eyes and Kylo withdrew his saber.

"Good job but not good enough" Kylo said grabbing my hand and leading me down the hallway

"No really where are we going" I asked

"To the training room, it's where I am going to train new Stormtroopers until I can build a new Starkiller Base" Kylo said and he turned right into a large room. It had blasters on carts, obstacles and various targets. All brand new, I looked back at Kylo who removed his mask. He walked to the back of the room and set the mask of the highest obstacle.

"Come get it" he said and I ran towards the mask jumping over a few obstacles in my way. I turned on my light saber and Kylo did the same and ran towards me. We clashed our sabers together and fought. I tried taking a few steps forwards but failed miserably when Kylo pushed me back. I thought, what if I duck and run? I decided to give it a try, I ducked below and ran under Kylo's saber. I ran and almost made it to the mask before a horrible burning sensation struck across my back. I fell to the ground and my light saber deactivated.

"Ahhhh" I yelled feeling a warm substance drip down my back. I heard footsteps running towards me.

"I'm sorry" Kylo's voice said, I began to cry as the pain became worse. I felt an arm slide under my head and one under my knees. I was lifted into the air, I winced as the pain became unbearable. I passed out, pain and everything faded away.

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