Chapter 25

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I was shocked by his words, this must be so hard for him, having to explain the death for his own sister. The poor little girl, my heart ached or her, the Lynchs, and Rocky. Going though that must have been so hard from them that words couldn't explain.

Rocky's head dropped and he exhaled shakily trying his best to hold in his tears, that were threading to fall at any moment. My hand never left his, I squeezed, brought it up to my lips and placed a simple kiss on his knuckle.

"Let it out baby, don't be embarrassed to cry in front of me." I try to comfort him, but he has already cried so much, he was all drained out. It tore my heart and soul to pieces to see him break down right in front of me.

And I couldn't do anything about it but comfort him, but words couldn't fix the hole in his heart where Rosemary is supposed to be. I wanted more than anything to take away his pain, to feel it myself instead of him.

"Allison, this was supposed to be fun, enjoyable, romantic, but instead here I am wasting the time when we could be laughing, I'm so sorry, I thought I could-" he paused to look me in to eye. "I don't know, just miss her so much."

"I know how you feel Rocky." I sigh, thinking back to my younger brother's death, of course Rosemary had it worse. I couldn't think about what that little girl had to go through, only to be killed. "It's completely fine Rocky"

He squeezed my hand. "I'm not letting this ruin this date" he smirks before picking me up and carrying me down the stairs while I pounded my tiny fist on his back.


"Rocky!" I scream at him as I come up to the surface of the freezing pond. This wasn't the first time I had been thrown into water by a lynch, but I expected more respect from my boyfriend. He called over laughing when I looked up and saw that I had a lily pad on my head.

I threw it at him only making him laugh more,"Do you have to throw me into water every time we come near any?" I ask only half joking. He wiped his tears from laughing and I smiled.

It's nice to see laughing tears, instead of sad ones,"Sorry, it's kinda a habit" he chuckled and walked over to me helping me out of the water, I didn't pull him in, I had something better planned.

"Seems to run in the family huh?" I grin and he does the same, showing off his perfect white teeth. "Yep"

We spent the rest of the time goofing around and making jokes. I absolutely loved being with Rocky, even if we do live in the same house,every second I'm not with him everything sucks, even Rylands jokes.

Wait those suck anyways.

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