Chapter 4

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{Allison's P.O.V}
(One Week Later)

I woke up to Ross jumping on my bed. "Mmmph. Rooooooss." He kept jumping. "Allisooooooon." He said mocking my tone. "Ok ok I'm up now what do you want?" I ask. "I wanna prank Rocky!" He yells. It's 9 I'm the morning ok then. Ross and I walked downstairs and saw Rocky snoring softly in his sleep.

Ross put headphone on him without waking him and and handed me his phone. "Pick a song." He said. I picked one out and he put it on full blast and skipped to the chorus of the song and pushed play.

"I came in like a wrecking ball!!!!" You could hear coming out of the headphones. Rocky jumped a feet in the air and though the headphones off his head. He was wide away now. "What the hell!!? He yelled. Ross and I started laughing hysterically. He smirked and picked me up and though me over his shoulder.

"Rocky! No! Ross help me!" I yelled still laughing. "Nope your on your own." He crossed his arms. Rocky went outside and stood next to his pool. "Next time don't blast music in my ears! Especially that song, it's horrible!" He yelled before lifting me higher.

"Rocky no! I can't swim!" I screamed as he though me in the water. I tried to swim up but I fail badly. I felt light headed and everything went black.

{Rocky's P.O.V}

I though Allison into the water and laughed. I stopped when she didn't come up. I looked in the pool and saw her under the water, not moving. "ALI!" I jumped in after her and opened my eyes. I swam over, brought her to the surface, and laid her down on the side.

"Allison!" Ross yelled as he ran over to her. "Come on! Ali! Ali wake up!" I yelled pumping her chest. Then Ross says, " You have to give her mouth to mouth!" I look at him. "I don't know how!" I yell back. I felt horrible! She could die and it's all my fault. Then Riker came running outside, "I do!"

I watched as Riker put his lips to hers and pumped on her chest like I was doing. Even though he wasn't kissing her I felt ...Jealous. Then she sits up and coughs up water, trying to breath. "Oh my god." I say. "You ok?" Riker asks her. She coughs again, "Yea." She looks at me and everyone else goes back inside.

"Ali I'm so sorry! I didn't know!" I say. She just walks up to me and hugs me, I hug back. "It's ok, I understand." She says. We stand their hugging. It seems like forever, but I didn't mind.

{Allison's P.O.V}

Rocky and I stand their outside hugging. He dug his face in my neck. "I'm so sorry." He said."I'm sorry too."
"You know I would never hurt you right?" He asked.
"I know Rocky." After a few minutes we went inside and got in different showers. Then we met in the hallway. He was taking me to the police office. And I'll be honest, I was terrified.

I was scared that if they didn't believe me and my parents find I told them they will get even more mad. Or that if they will hurt Rocky and his family. Or if my parents do get arrested that they will escape. Ok Allison calm down.

The car ride was silent but when we sat down at the office I started shaking. I could feel my face going red. "Hey, it's ok. Everything going to be fine." Rocky said putting his hand on top of mine. I blush and looked at him. He smiled. The officer walked in and sat at his table.

"Alright make this quick." He says. Rocky looks at me and gives me reassuring grin. I look at our hands and back at the officer.

"My parents have been abusing me every since the age of 6. I'm 16 now, I ran away yesterday and Rocky-" I said referring to Rocky, "Let me stay at his house until we got things figured out." The man looked at me like I had a clown face on and started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask angry. He looked at me and stopped. "Honey we've been getting this story before and every time we go to your parents they say you are lying and that you are just mad that you can't go outside. Look kid I suggest you leave now and don't come back or I will arrest you."

Rocky and I leave without another word. A tear rolled down my face and we walked to his car. He stopped and looked at me. "They don't believe us Rocky...." I say sniffling. He pulled me into a hug as I cried into his chest, holding his shirt in my hands. "It's ok it's ok." He cooed.

I didn't believe him. Nothing was ok. They still don't believe me and I don't think they ever will. Rocky drove home with me in his lap with my head on his shoulder. Once we got home I heard the boys asking what was wrong but I completely ignored them and walked to the bathroom.

I pulled out the razor.

Trusting You (Rocky Lynch)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ