Chapter 1

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{Allison's P.O.V}

My alarm goes off. 2:00AM. It's time. I grabbed my backpack and got rid of everything that was in it. I put 3 sets of cloths, a notebook, three pens, and a picture of my mother. My real mom died when I was 6 and ever since my dad remarried he and my new 'mom' have been abusing me. But I've had enough.

I'm so sick of being treated like a slave.

I put a few more things in it like my crappy cell phone, charger, some water bottles and caned food. I would buy some more food once I got to the store. I didn't know where I was going, but I just couldn't stays here. You're probably wondering why don't you just tell the police? I've tried, trust me. But they never believe me anyways.

I put the backpack on and slowly open my parents bedroom door. I heard soft snores coming from my dad and I walked over to the drawers. I opened each one until I finally found their money. It was about $435. Hopefully that will be enough for everything.

I put some in the backpack, some in my pockets, and some in my shoe. So just in case someone tries to steal they won't get it all.

I walked downstairs and write a note close the door slowly and took off down the street. The note said I've had enough.

Soon I reached the store and bought some stuff that wasn't that much. I got a first aid kit to try and clean some of my wounds from last night's beating, canned food, and more water, things like that. I got in line and waited my turn. It didn't take long since...well... Nobody comes to the store at 2:30AM.

I walk outside once I paid for my things and bumped into someone. " Sorry! I'm in a bit of a rush." I looked up and saw a teenage boy with longish brown hair and brown eyes, not going to lie, he was pretty cute.

"Hi." I say shyly. He looks into my eyes and then to all my bruises and cuts.

"Are you ok? You look beat up, not to be rude." He looked back into my eyes. I could tell he regretted saying something like that.

"My parents are abusive." I blurted covering my mouth after. Why did I tell him that?! Stupid Allison it's none of his business!

At first he looked shocked. He looks like he had so many questions, but calmed down a little. "You should tell the police. They could help, by the way I'm Rocky." He said sticking his hand out. I shook it.

"I'm Allison, and I've tried. They won't believe me." This is a big mistake. Why do I have to go and blurt out all my secrets.

He stuck his hands in his pockets," You can stay at my house, until you get a place to stay."

I didn't know about that. I mean how can I trust him. All I know is that I'm too weak right now, so if he wanted to kidnap me or even rape me it wouldn't be so hard for him. But I could go to his house and get some good food and things maybe this could work out.

"How can I trust you?"

"You can trust me. I'm a nice guy, and I want to help." He sounded sincere, like he actually cared. I hesitated at first but replied, "Ok.....I trust you."

{a/n Guys this is Hannah from the future and I know this is bad but trust me, this book gets better as it goes on so please give it a chance. Thanks for reading xoxox.}

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