Chapter 20

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I slowly open my eyes and glance at the clock, 12:47. "Mm" I rolled over to my right and fell off the bed. "Ow, shit." I stand up and see Rocky fast asleep. He was lying on his side with his arms sprawled out everywhere. I walked over to the other side of the bed and kissed his cheek.

As I walk out the bedroom I here foot steps downstairs. I idmedently got a bed feeling, but as I walked downstairs I saw it was only Riker watching a movie on the couch. "Riker." He turns around and looks at me,"Oh hey Ali." He says and turns back around.

I frown and walk over to the couch, and sit down beside him. Riker glares at me,"What?" He says rudely. I look down. Why is he being like this?

"God, Ali I'm so sorry. I'm just in a bad mood." He says. I shrug it off,"Why are you up so late?" I look up at him. I could tell he was tried. "Riker...." He wasn't answering. "I don't know if I should tell you..."

"Please, Riker your my best friend. You can tell me anything." I look into his eyes, filled with worry. He stands up, reaches into his back pocket and hands me a note.
I slowly open it.

Even though I'm in jail, this doesn't change anything. We'll always be watching you. Every one of you, and everywhere you go. There is no escape.

Dad xoxo.

My eyes filled with tears as I looked up at Riker. He was close to tears as well. I though myself at him, wrapping my arms around his waist, and crying into his shirt. "Who the hell is 'we'!" I yell/whisper. He wraps his arms around me,"I don't know, but it'll be ok. We won't let anything happen up to you."

I continue sobbing into his shirt."You're safe with us. I promise."


After a good 7 minutes of crying and holding each other i finally pulled away."Thanks Riker." I say. As I walk away I hear him speak up,"You know I love you a friendly way."

"I love you too, Rik." I say as I walk back up the stairs, and into Rocky's room. I crawled back into bed and lied my head on his bare chest. "Why were you up?" Rocky's ask suddenly making me jump a little. When I looked at him he must have seen the tears on my face.

"Babe what happened?" Rocky sat up, leaning his back on the wall. "I'll tell you tomorrow, go back to sleep." I rubbed his thigh lightly.

His face was worrying but he gave in,"Fine, but you have to tell me. It wasn't Ross again was it?"

"Rocky, I said tomorrow, and no." He laid back down on his side. He pulled me to him were my back was on his chest, and his arms were wrapped around me. "I love you, Ali." He whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"I love you too baby. Goodnight." I reply closing my eyes and drifting off into sleep.


I woke up the next morning with no sign of Rocky. I yawned and just laid there thinking about last night.

"I don't know if I should tell you..."

'There's no exacape.'

"Who the hell is 'we'!"

"You're safe with us. I promise."

"I love you too Rik."

I snap out of my trance and slowly stand up. I walked downstairs and saw Rocky making breakfast. I walked up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, making him jump. "Gosh you scared me. Morning babe." Rocky turned around to face me.

"Morning." I peck his lips and as I go to walk away and grabs my wrist. "I want a real kiss." He whines. I walk back over to him and smash my lips to his. I kiss him with passion as we hold each other. We pull away when we hear a loud beeping noise.

"Shit!" Rocky turns back to the counter and turns the stove off. I look over his shoulder to see brunt pancakes. "Oops."

"What am I going to do with you?" I laugh. I ended up making breakfast and now we're all at the table eating. "This is really good." Ryland says, shoveling more pancake in his mouth. "Thanks."

"We should go shopping!" Rydel squeals. "Sure. I need new cloths anyways."

"Yay! I'm going to go call Maddison!" Rydel quickly devourers her food and puts her plate in the sink, running up to her room. "Who's Maddison?" I ask. "She's one of Rydel friends." Riker says as he gets up and puts his plate in the sink as well.

"What are you going to do?" I turn to Rocky. "I don't know. Play video games, watch T.V, you know the usual. " he shrugs. "Ok babe." I kiss his cheek and walk upstairs to Rydel's room.

"Yea! Ok bye!" She hangs up her phone and sticks it in her pocket. "Maddie is on her way, I can't wait to go shopping!" Rydel jumps up and down. "Man, you really like shopping don't you." I laugh.

We both look around her closet until she pulls put the perfect outfit for me to wear,"Perfect."

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