Chapter 5

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{Allison's P.O.V}

I hover the razor over my wrist. I had many more cuts but no one noticed them because I wore long sleeves. Come on Ali...just do it. A part of me wanted to do it, but another part didn't want to do it. Rocky would be crushed if he found out. I broke down crying, as the razor shatters on the floor and Rocky runs in.

"Allison? Are you ok?" He sees the razor pieces on the floor and then looks at my cuts. I try and hide them but it was to late. "Ali.... Were you about to... Self harm?" There were tears in his eyes, but I was not going to lie to him. "Yes." I mumble, tears falling from my eyes.

"Allison, look at me." Rocky says. I turn around, I'm still on my knees, I look into his eyes and he does the same. He took my hands in his. "Promise me that no matter what happens you will not cut or self harm. Please Ali." A tear fell from his eye. "I promise." We stare into each other's eyes and soon we stand up and I wrap my arms around his neck, and pull him into a hug. Hugging is kinda our thing.

His arms was around my waist as we swayed side to side. "Ali, I know we just met a week ago but you mean so much to me. I don't know what I would do if you died in so much pain. I care about you more than you think." He says. It only make me hug him tighter.

"I care about you too Rocky. Thank you so much." I say. "For what?" He asks tears still treating to fall. "You saved me, from everything, my dad, the pain, the loneliness, the homeless life on the streets." I listed the things he saved me from, while there was still one more things I could say.

We pulled away he was smiling from ear to ear, "How we go to the park tomorrow. It will help clear your head." He asked smiling. "Sure." I replied. "I'm going to go take a nap." He said walking to his room. I followed him and he shut the door in my face with out noticing I was there.

"Uhh, Rocky?" I said. He opened the door again this time with no shirt on. I couldn't help but looks at his abs. "You like what you see?" He asks. "Yea...." I said blushing. He sat down on the bed with his back up against the head board. I walked over and sat next to him.

He put his arm around me. This past week has been amazing. I got close to his brothers and Rydel but me and Rocky just clicked. I felt safe around him, like he would let anyone touch me. Then I thought about going to the park tomorrow. Is it a date? He put his arm around me and laid his hand on my shoulder.

"Rocky? Is tomorrow a date?" I ask. He blushed, "No, I mean! Shoot uh....." I giggled as he stuttered with his words. "If it is a date then I'm ok with that." I say. He smiles and looks at me,"I guess it is then."I scoot closer to him and lay my head on his shoulder. Soon I hear his soft snores signaling that he's asleep.

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