Chapter 17

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*One week later*

It's been a week since Ross kissed me and he hasn't been talking to anyone much. He won't even talk to Rydel. I honestly feel bad for him, even though I forgave him, he thinks I shouldn't.

Riker and I have become basically best friends. He's like my brother from another mother:). And Rocky and I have been doing great! I'll be honest I'm scared that Kendal will come back, and hurt someone again. Right now we are on our way to a restaurant downtown. Ross didn't come with us for obvious reasons.

Rydel also stayed at home to keep an eye on him so it was just me Rocky, Riker, and Ryland. We pulled up in the parking lot and got out. Rocky took my hand and interwind our fingers. I smiled as we walked to our table, and sat down.

I sat next to Rocky, of corse, and Riker sat in front of me with Ryland next to him. Then I saw a man, dressed in all black walk up behind Riker slowly. Ali? U ok?" Riker asks. I don't answer I just stare at the man behind Riker. "Ri-" I try to say something back nothing comes out. Is that Kendal?

"Allison!" Ryland yells. I look at him with fearFilled eyes and he turns around, looking behind Riker. All of a sudden the man was gone. He turns back to me."I swear I saw a man behind Riker!" I whisper/yell. They give an confused look,"What do you mean? Nobody is there. Your probably imagining things." Rocky says.

The waiter comes over,"Hello my name is Nattily and I'll be your waiter today. So what would you like to drink?" She points to Ryland. Everyone ordered Mt.Dew and I just got water. She smiled and walked off going back into the kitchen.

I look beside me and see Rocky on his phone. He was looking though Twitter and tweeting back a few fans. He looks up at me,"Why are you looking at me like that?" He laughs. "I'm going to go use the bathroom." I kiss his cheek and he gets up letting me crawl out of the booth.

I've never been to this restaurant before so I looked all over and couldn't find a bathroom. I glanced over to my left and saw a girl and a boy about my age laughing at something on their phone. They looked a lot a like. I walked over to their table.

"Could you point to the bathroom please?" I ask the girl nicely. She smiles and points off to a random direction,"Go that way then turn right down the ail. By the way my name is Lena, and that's Luke." The boy gives a shy way.

"I'm Alison, but everyone calls me Ali." I shook their hand and traded numbers. I started walking off to the bathroom. Sure Rocky might be a little upset I gave my number out to some strangers, but they seemed really nice. I've improved on my trust issues.

I open the door to the bathroom and did my business. After I walked over to the sinks and washed my hands quickly and dried them off. I looked in the mirror, and saw the man, again, standing behind me with a smile on his face.

I gasped and turned around, he wasn't there. I sighed in relief. Still shocked, I walked back over to the table. I sat down next to Rocky again, and he took my hand under the table. Oh no. I was shaking, and Rocky noticed it. Dammit.

He looked at me and I stared back with pleading eyes.please don't say anything. Not in front of everyone. He kept his month shut and the waiter came back with our food. "Already!" I say basically drooling over the food that was placed in front of me.

"Yep. We ordered while you were gone. I got you this cause I know you will like it." It was some kind of meat with soup in a bowl. I'll admit I will mix some pretty weird foods together.

I got my fork and got a piece of meat on it and dipped it in the soup. I stuck it in my mouth."Your not supposed to dip it in the soup!" Ryland says. "But it's good!" I reply taking another bite. Riker and Rocky laugh while Ryland stuffs his face with his own food,"Hmfp hk!"

"Oh my lord." I say. Soon we finished our food and were heading back to the car. Everyone was in the car besides Rocky and I,"What's wrong? You were shaking when you came back."

"I'll explain later. Come on their waiting for us." I say hoping he will forget about it. He sighed and we got in the backseats and headed home. It was a silent ride, as I laid my head on Rocky's shoulder. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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