Weave Mwe Awone!

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I cried. I looked him in the eyes and cried. Tears fell down my face and he became panicked. I didnt know what to do so I just got up and ran. Sam was so confused he stayed still.
What do you do when you asked a girl out andshe cries and runs away? How would you feel? Im assuming like shit. I feel like a complete ass but I just didnt know what to do.
I ran as far as I could from that depressing scene. I had no idea where i was going because my eyes were covered the way there.
I just ran until I could see the rode. I didnt know what to do. I was clueless and scared but mostly confused. I like Sam. I really like Sam, why did I run? Why did I cry. I knew what was coming.
I had to call someone I had to find a way home but I was way to scared to face Sam.
I reach for my phone but realized I left it on the blanket.
I start to cry more. Not because I'm lost but because I left Sam and he probably hates me now.
I sit down on the pavement staring as cars drive by.
I suddenly feel a presence sit next to me and I freeze. This person grabs my shoulder and squeezes it in a caring way.
I turn my head slowly to see Sam staring at me with caring eyes. Nit one bit of hatred in it as he does so.
I look beside him to see he has everything packed.
"Im so sorry Sam." I say in a scartchy voice ddue to my crying.
"Dont say sorry. I unserstand." he says.
"How? Because I dont." I say honestly.
"Your scared." he says.
I look in his eyes and nod.
"Yeah...I guess I am." I say, agreeing with him.
"You dont have to be you know?" he says. I look down at my criss crossed legs trying avoid his eyes but he lifts my head up and makes me look.
"You dont." he says again.
"Yes!" I blurt out loud and he flinches back in suprised.
"What?" he asks confused.
"Yes...I'll be your girlfriend....on one condition." I say. He smiles at me.
"What might that be?" he asks. I cheese at him.
"You buy me icecream every friday." I say happily which is weird because I still have tears all down my cheek.
"Wait, wait, wait! If thats the condition then I want one." he says. I groan and role my eyes.
"What do you want?" I ask.
"Uhm....I guess I want...for us...to join glee." he says. I look at him with wide eyes.
"No way!" I say.
"Then no icecream....come on...we'll be together."he tries to persuade.
"Sam, we will be laughing stocks." I say.
"Arent we already?" he asks.
"I can live with being a laughing stock at school, but not in my own home Sam!" I yell.
"You wont. And if they do...I'm here. You wont be alone Drew...you are super talented." he reasons.
I sigh and look in his eyes.
"Fine, I'll try out." I say and look down at my feet. Sam scoots closer to me and I can feel him staring at me.
"So....sense we've got all this worked out...your my girlfriend now huh?" he asks. I couldnt contain the smile on my face as he said those words. I nodded and slowly looked up to see him smiling at me too.
"Sense were dating and all...do I have to ask to kiss you?" he asks. I laugh at him and shake my head no.
"Good." he says leaning in closer. I dont give him the satisfaction. I back away and he looks confused.
I then hurry and lean in, kissing him. He always gets demand in the kiss. Not today.
He sat still for a second, suprised at my actions but soon comes to his senses and kisses me back.
We moved our lips in sync and at that moment I felt like nothing mattered. I didnt care that we were sitting at the side of the rode, I didnt care about anything anybody at home had to say about my singing. All I cared about was Sam...me and Sam...us, and nothing could break that.
Sam was the first to pull away. His lips were swollen and red and his eyes were looking directly into mine. Before I never knew what emotion he had in his eyes but today I think I know.
I think it was love. At least I hope it was. Im not saying he loves me, but I'm saying he cares.
He stands up and grabs my hand.
"I think we should be on our way." he says. I nod and grab some things off the ground and we head to where ever he parked the car.
Sam had a family thing to do so all sunday I was stuck in the house with my brothers. I guess Jacob was out being popular and what not.
But today is Monday. The official day where me and Sam will really be together. In front of everyone. Its also the day Sam forces me to join glee.
I'm really nervous about this and its been driving me insane.
I just got done putting on my clothes which is a red flowy crop top and black high-waisted skinny jeans cut at the knee. I walk down stairs to get my black combat boots. When I get down there I see Jacob pulling on his Jordan's but I also see him wearing superman socks. I snort and walk to the hall which holds my boots.
"A simple complement would be nice!" Jacob yells out.
"Why would I compliment something I don't like?" I ask.
"You where superman all the time." He says.
"Not on my feet. I find it dumb to wear a pattern of some sort on something your going to cover up." I say.
He roles his eyes at me and walks past me to the kitchen.
I pull on my boots and walk to the kitchen as well.
I meet eyes with Giounni and he frowns at me. I look at him confused and walk away. I grab an apple and as soon as I bite it I hear a honk.
I grab my bag and walk to the door.
"Oh, so your riding with with your boyfriend huh?" Jacob asks sarcastically and I smirk at him.
"Yep!" I say biting my apple again and opening the door. I see all my brothers and Jacobs eyes go wide and I cackle at their expressions and leave the house.
Wow. That was fun.
I get to the front of the house to see Sam standing next to the passenger door. I grin at him as he has his arms open wide. I open my arms and willingly hug the crap out of him. Sam squeezes me tight and I hear him start to chuckle.
"What?" I ask with my head in the crease of his neck.
"You're so short...oh and everyone's looking out the window at us." He says. I laugh at what he said but punch his arm for calling me short.
I turn around to see them and they all quickly leave the window.
I turn back to Sam and hes still laughing.
"I'm guessing you told them?" He asks.
"Yep." I say. Sam means and pecks my lips.
"We gotta go!" He says clapping his hands together and grabs my apple.
I frown at him as he opens my door.
"I want that." I say pointing at my apple while sitting down.
Sam shrugs.
"So do I." He says biting it. I gasp at his savagness.
"You idiot!" I say angrily.
"Some would call me an apple theft....but I'll go with the it for now." He says putting on his seat belt.
"Yeah yeah." I say snatching my apple out his hand and biting it multiple times like a squirrel. My cheeks are now filled with apple chunks and I can barely chew. Sam looks at me and laughs whole heartedly.
..hell?!?" He says in fits of laughter.
"Weave mwe awone!" I struugle to say with my mouth full.
After a few minutes I couldn't chew any longer so I rolled down the window and spit it out.
Sam frowns and looks at me.
"Thats littering!" He yells.
"That's compost!" I say defensively.
"Its compost!" He mocks in an annoying voice. I role my eyes and look out the window to see the school ahead of us.
We pull into the lot and he parks where he usually does. He turns off the car and looks at me.
"So, we've agreed that during our free period we'd go to glee practice....right?" He asks. I reluctantly nod and he smiles.
"Good." He says a pecks my cheek. I turn and look at him and then he pecks my lips.
"Okay, okay, enough with the kissing." I say jokingly rolling my eyes.
"You know you like it." He says. I blush and take off my dear belt. Sam does the same. We both get out of the car and meet in the front of it connected hands.
We walk in the school and people stare...like everybody.
We walk to my locker and I sigh.
"I hate people." I say to Sam.
"Not me." He says smirking. I look at him and smush up my face.
"Ehhh...especially you." I tease. He gasps and puts his hand over his heart.
"Ow!" He says and I smile.
"I'm just kidding. I could never hate you." I say. He smiles and walks closer to me.
"Never?" He asks.
"Never." I confirm. He pulls me to him and hugs me putting his head in the crease of my neck. I thought it was kind of odd but I went with it. All of a sudden he blew a raspberry in my neck and I screamed in surprise. Everyone was starring. My cheeks reddened in embarrassmen and I slapped Sam on the arm repetitively.
"OK now I hate you!" I whisper/yell to him and he chuckles grabbing my books and walking me to class while I still hit his arm.
We get to my class and I grab my books from him.
"See you later." He says.
"See you." I say. He swift blows a raspberry in my neck again but this time I didn't scream I just jumped. He ran before I could beat him with my books so I just disappointedly went into the classroom.
I look and see Symone and she's frowning at me.
What did I do this time?
I walk up to her smiling nervously.
"Hi?" It comes out more as a question.
"I had to hear from some bimbo this morning that you and Sam are dating!" She yells. I flinch back a bit and my shoulders go down in shame.
"I know! I know! I should have called you the moment it happens but I thought you didn't want to talk to me after what happened at lunch." I say.
"What? From what Jacob said? Jacob says lots of things Drew!" Symone says angrily.
"Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry." I say. Symone still frowns at me tapping her foot rapidly.
"I forgive you, but I'm supposed to be the first to know these things!" She says. I nod and sit next to her.
"Understood Sergeant Symone." I say. She smiles at what I said and saluts me. Glad to see I really do have a friend.
Check out my new book!
A Bad Boy And A Broken Destiny

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