Stitches Is The Shiznets!

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"Wake up!" Someone screams in my ear. I'm ready to slap whoever it is in the face but someone grabs my hand before I can. I open my eyes to see a smexy blonde. I then shrink in embarrassment. I sink in my cover and put a pillow over my head.
"Get out! I have bed head and morning breath!" I yell through my pillow.
"I don't care!" He says snatching the pillow over my head and looking me in the eyes.
"Today is happy." He says with a smile. I frown at him and role my eyes. I look at my clock and I hop up.
"And its also 6:45!" I yell and run to my bathroom. I have no time to take a shower so good thing I took one last night. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I then brush my hair and do my famous 10 minute straightening trick where you part it in four sections and straighten it quickly. I leave out my bathroom and back into my room to find Sam lying across my bed looking at me. I go to my closet and look for something to wear and I huff.
"Need some help?" He asks. I look over to him and nod. He gets up and walks to my closet. He scans his eyes and his eyes land on a black half jersey with the number 45 on it and it has my last name on the back.
He grabs it and throws it at me. He then looks and grabs some blue skinny jeans. I smile and nod.
"Your good at this. I say. He nods and gestures to himself.
"What can I say." I chuckle and shake my head.
" get out." I say. He shakes his head and a big grin spreads across his face.
"Nooo. I'm staying in here." He says plopping on my bed.
"But I have to change." I whine he smiles and covers his eyes with his hands.
"Uuugh! Fine but don't peek or I'll kill you." I say. He nods and I strip down quickly and change as fast as possible. Once done I grab my shoes and sit next to Sam who is still covering his eyes.
"Are you done?" He asks.
"Nope...butt naked." I say. Putting my shoes on. His body stiffens up and he clears his throat.
"Um...why are you sitting?" He asks. I smirk and sigh.
"I don't know....just resting." I say. He is so tempted to peek.
"Dr-drew...?" He asks shyly.
"Yeaaah?" I ask.
"I already know you're lying...I peeked just as you were buttoning your pants." He says uncovering his eyes.
"You're an evil human." I say. He chuckles and stands up lifting me up with him.
"I know." He says pulling me out of my room.
We walk in the hall to see my unhappy looking father.
"What's wrong dad?" I ask.
"I have to go to Maine today...for a few weeks." He says. My face falls and he walks towards me.
"Come here! I'll be back soon! Don't you worry." He says. I sigh and give him a hug.
"Fine." I say and let go. Me and Sam walk past and down the stairs to the kitchen.
I see Jacob eating a sandwich and on his phone by the kitchen island.
I death glare him while he wants paying attention and I bang my hand on the counter. His head snaps up quickly.
"I better have my banana chips by lunch time." I say. He nods in silence but fear in his eyes at my snappiness.
Sam looks at the both of us weirdly and chuckles. He grabs an apple from the bowl and I grab one two.
"So, what's lover boy doing here?" Jacob asks loudly. I look at him and then at Sam who looks at me.
"He's my ride." I say.
Jacob looks me dead in the eyes.
"What's the point of him wasting his gas if I can take you?" Jacob asks.
"Because... He doesn't drag me to football practice." I say. He frowns at me then shrugs.
"Whatever." He says standing up and slinging his bag over his shoulders.
"Later bro, bye Drew." He says to us as he walks out the side doors.
"Banana chips eh?" Sam asks.
"Shut up." I say as I sling my bag over my shoulders and we walk out the side doors as well.
We sit in the car listening to music when BOOM! stitches comes on.
Just like a moth drown to a flame! Oh you lured me in, I couldn't sense the pain!
Sam sings. My eyes widen and he looks at me and shrugs.
"You sing...really good." I say. I don't know why but my heart just skipped so many beats.
"Well...Stitches is the Shiznets!" He says. I laugh and he does too.
"Yeah, it is, and you sing fucking amazing!" I exclaim. He smiles and pinches my cheek.
"Thank you." He says smiling.
Needle in the thread gotta get you outta my head!
Needle in the thread gonna wind up dead!
Me and Sam sing together. Sam then looks at me and raises his eyebrows.
"So you can sing too eh?" He asks. I shrug.
"Maybe." I say. But my eyes widen.
"Don't..tell anyone." I say quickly.
"Why?" He asks.
"Just...please don't. Its something I like to keep private...the music teacher already wants me to join glee club!" I exclaim. Sam looks at me with a teasing expression.
"Glee club? That's a thing?" He asks.
"I asked the same thing!" I point out.
"Well...we should try it." He says grinning.
I look at him blankly.
"What part of private don't you understand?" I ask. He then grins at me mischievously.
I raise my eyebrows confused.
"What?" I ask.
"That sounded dirty!" He says laughing. I sigh and look out the window to see we are in the schools parking lot about to park.
"You...have the maturity level of a 6 year old." I say. He scoffs.
"Please! At least have the respect to go double digits ! Jeez!" He says.
I roll my eyes.
"Fine! You have the maturity level of a ten year old." I say. He nods approvingly.
"More like it." He says and I chuckle.
We park and he turns off the car.
"Yay! Its Friday! Know what that means?!" He asks.
"No." I say. He smiles at me happily.
"You..and I are going to The Gallery...I heard someone fixed it!" He exclaims happily. I grin at him.
" was me." I say. He looks at me in surprised at me.
"It was you?!" He asks incredulously. I nod trying to contain the smile on my face.
"Then I have definitely got to see it." He says. I smile triumphantly and open the door but Sam pulls my wrist making me close the door back.
"What?" I ask confused.
"Before we got in the school I wanted to talk to you about something." He says. I nod and listen.
"So...last did that feel to you? You know, the kiss and all." He asks. I start to blush and couldn't help but smile.
"It made me feel...I've never felt that way before." I say and then finally look up to see Sam looking at me with a faint smile.
"Im glad you feel that way, because I feel the exact same way." He says. I look him in his eyes trying to capture his emotion but I couldn't quite get it. I don't know what it means.
"What are you feeling right now?" I ask what I was thinking.
"I don't I felt when you kissed me I guess....I'm not really sure how I'm feeling." He says. I frown, is that bad?
" it a good thing or bad thing?" I ask worried. He reassuringly smiles at.
"Its terrible." He says and my face drops. So does my heart.
"I'm kidding, its a good thing." He says. My heart finally starts to beat normal and I sigh in relief. Once I'm all healed up from the sting I slap his shoulder. He worried me to death.
"Ow! Hands off!" He says. I raise my eyebrows.
"Okay fine, no more hugs for you." I say. He then reaches out and grabs me.
"I kid! I kid! Hug me!" He says. I chuckle and hug him back.
"You're lucky." I say. He squeezes harder and I groan in pain.
"Yeaaaah." He says.
"" I say. He chuckles and loosens up but still hugs me. He looks at me and I look at him and smile.
"What?" I ask.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks. I turn red but nod my head quickly. He smiles and leans in. I close my eyes and suddenly lips are on mine. There was no movement. Just a kiss, but not a peck. When pulled away we both side and I looked at him curiously. I wonder why I like him so much.
"Surprise!" She says standing in front of me grinning from ear to ear.
"Symone! I thought you were coming back Monday!" I exclaim and hug her.
"My aunt came to help out." She says hugging me back.
"Oh my gosh! So much has happened! I missed you!" I say and then stop in my tracks...woah. Did I just say that I missed her? What has happened to me?
"I missed you too." She says and her eyes widen. Dear lord....we're becoming girls!
"Woah." She says. We both stand there oddly until Jacob comes.
"Hey Symone...why are you looking at each other like you just discovered something super weird." He asks.
"Hi...and nothing." She says. Then smiles at me.
"I guess we missed each other." She says with a shrug.
"Yep." I say and then sit down.
"Hey Drew!" I here someone call my name from a couple seats away. I looked to see Jacob.
"What?" I ask.
"Where would I buy banana chips?" He asks.
"Krogers." I say. He nods and then the bell rings.
"Okay! Turn to Page 119 and do questions 13-25, 46- 56, and the think about it plan on page 120." My teacher says.
The class groans but does so anyway.
As I'm doing my work, I can see from the corner of my eye James looking at Symone. I try to fight the awww's that I was thinking, but it was hard. They would be so cute together. Its gonna happen!
"Hey James." I say and he jumps in surprise.
"H-hi Drew." He says still looking at Symone.
"What's up?" I say popping the 'p'.
"Nothing much." He says finally looking at me.
I stare at him blankly.
"Just go talk to her." I say. He shakes his head and I frown.
"Do it!" I hiss and he jumps in fear.
"Okay!" He says.
I watch as he gets up and walks to her desk.
He clears his throat and she looks up and smiles.
"Hey James." She says happily. He smiles back.
"Hey." He says sitting in the seat in front of her.
I then tune out their conversation and start to think about Sam. Aaaah Sam.
As the class comes to an end I hear the bell ring. I get up and pack all my things up.
As I finally make it out the door someone pulls me to the side and I'm looking into someone's moon like eyes.
I smile knowing exactly who's eyes they were. I look up to see his messy blonde hair and down to see his smiling pink lips.
"Hey, let me walk you to class." Sam says. Grabbing my books. I smile at him then nod.
"Wait! I need to go to my locker." I say. He nods and walks toward it.
I open the locker and Sam puts the books that he was holding in the locker. I grab my English book and close the locker.
"Ready to go?" He asks.
"Yeah." I say. As we walk our hands are right next to each other and I really want to grab it, but I'm scared he'll just pull it away.
As we walk in silence I feel his hand slowly creep into mine and I look down at them smiling.
Yay! I don't know why, but I am super happy about this. I am seriously trying to hold myself back from doing my happy dance.
But, I keep my cool and just grin like an idiot. I can feel eyes on us and hear whispers, but I don't care.
Then it hits me...everyone thinks I'm dating Jacob. Fuck!
I can feel my hands start to get all sweaty because I'm nervous all of a sudden and Sam notices.
"Whats wrong?" He asks, stopping in the middle of the hall looking me in the eyes, but his hand was still in mine. When he didn't get an answer from me he grabbed my other hand and kept eye contact.
"What's the matter?" He asks softly. I sigh and look around. He does so also.
"Them." I say. He frowns and then looks at them again.
"What about them?" He asks.
"Remember when I told you about some rumors that were going on about me?" I ask. He nods and motions for me to continue.
"Well, it was that they said I was dating Jacob...and he's the player of this school so everyone thinks know... with him." I said hesitantly. Sam looks at me with serious eyes then looks around again.
"Well, we'll just have to show them otherwise." He says with a smile. He walks closer to me and I stiffen in my spot.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks. I nod and he leans forward.
Just when our lips are about to touch.
"Off my girl Sam!" Someone shouts. Sam looks up and right at Jacob.
I turn red...and not of embarrassment, but pure and utter fury.
Sam body stiffens up. His jaws clinch, his fist tighten and his shoulders lift up and down with every breath.
"Fuck off Jacob." He says. My eyes go wide, and so does everyone else's. Jacob smirks at Sam and walks closer.
"Language dude." Jacob says.
"What the hell is your problem?" Sam asks Jacob.
"Absolutely nothing." He says. I groan and pull Sam with me to my class.
"Let's just go Sam." I say looking in his eyes as he tries to fight my grip on his wrist.
"He needs to learn his fucking lesson Drew." He says. I look at him in his angry blue eyes and place my hand on his chest trying to calm him down. All of a sudden his eyes soften and he puts his hand over mine.
"I'm sorry." He says. I look at him confused.
"I-its fine...let's just go...okay?" I ask. He nods and walks away with me. I turn around to see Jacob with a confused look in his eyes. I turn back around ignoring him and proceed to class.
Boys are idiots.

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