Not What You Were Saying Last Night.

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"You smell of Vintage clothes...get away." I say smushing my face up at Adam, the boy who sits besides me in English.
"Its not my fault they make us dress up in 35 year old costumes in drama." He says.
"Is that even healthy?" I ask with a disgusted expression.
"I'm not sure...but an A is an A." He replies.
Gross. That's absolutely disgusting.
"Its an A and all, but is it worth the 35 year old mold mating with your pours?" I ask, genuinely concerned. He shrugs and goes back to his work. I sigh upset that my one form of distraction has decided to end.
Every sense that in counter with Sam and Jacob all I've been thinking about is why Jacob had done what he'd done.
Is he seriously that low to keep this rumor after I have begged him to stop? Was Sam really willing to fight with him? What will people think about me now? That I'm some cheating skank? The sad thing is...I'm not dating either of them. Even though I really want to be with Sam...I need to know him more and I wouldn't even think about being with Jacob...he's a walking STD.
On the bright side...I could always switch schools and be the silent one again...but I would never now that I have Symone...and Sam.
Everything I ever wanted was to not be stay on the sidelines.
Everything has changed and I know change is good but it would be a lot better if it didn't involve Jacob.
It all started when I, illiterate Drew couldn't read the sign on the door saying that class was in a different room. I was to busy oggling at Jacob and the football field....singing stupid kid show theme songs and getting the attention of the stupid class.
I will never enjoy cartoons again.
Yeah...sure Jacob could be a good person at certain times but most times he was idiotic, cocky, prick who doesn't know what fuck off means.
As I'm lost in thought the bell rings and I shake myself out of it. I go to my locker, throw my book in and head to the lunch room.
Surprisingly no one is starring at me, but all changes when Sam comes up. I try not to focus on them and just look at Sam.
"Hey." He says with a smile.
"Hey." I say. He stretches his arms out for a hug and I do it with even thinking. We sit there for a while in the hug when I hear a bunch of whispers. When I hear the term 'the new bad boy' I fucking freak out. They did not just name Sam the bad boy.
No! Hell to the no! I pull away from the hug quickly looking around to see all the little sluts purring and trying to look seductive and I freak.
Fuck! I'm no match! Bitches got their paws out. I'm only 15 I don't even know how to be sexy.
I just lost him. Fuck!
"What's wrong?" I hear Sam ask. Oh shit I forgot I was still next to him.
"N-nothing." I say. I can't tell him why I'm upset...he'll think I'm some possessive crazy chick.
"I don't believe you." He says. I look down because I am terrible at lying and will turn crimson if I make eye contact.
"I'm fine. Can we sit?" I ask. He nods.
We go to AIT at the table where I find Symone already sitting. Oh right! She hasn't met Sam.
"Hey Symone." I say. She looks up and smiles.
"Hey, who's this?" She asks curious.
" Sam, Sam this is Symone." They shake hands and say hi to one another then sit.
I sit as well.
"So, I have to tell you about what I heard today." Symone says. I widen my eyes hoping she's not talking about the Jacob thing in the hallway.
"What?" I ask.
"Adam gay." She says. My eyes widen even further. Oh my gosh....Adams gay guys....I so called it!!!!
"I so called that one!" I shout and hi-five Symone.
She chuckles and Sam raises his eyebrows at me. I shrug my shoulders and laugh.
We continue to talk about how Adam finally came out of the closet, when suddenly banana chips are being waved in my face.
I look up to see the face behind all this and its fucking Jacob.
"Drop it." I say. He does so. I nod.
"Now bye." I say and he frowns.
"Why so soon?" He says with a smirk. I role my eyes and scoff.
"Because your presence is very much so, unwanted." I say. He then scoffs.
"Not what you were saying last night." He says. Sam looks at me with an eyebrow raised and I look at him with one raised too.
"Oh come on! I didn't say anything about his presence last night!" I defend myself.
"She's right, she said that I was a babe, and that she wanted my children." He says with a smirk. My jaw drops and so does Symone's and Sam's.
"I-I-I.....I d-d-I...noooo!" I say not knowing what to say. I am caught in such I freaking web. I'm for sure that I just lost Sam by the sheer going of disgust in his eye.
"Is it true?" He asks.
"No...yes?...kind of? Its not like that!!" I say as Sam stands.
"Then how was it Drew?" He asks. I'm silent. I don't know how to say it. How do you describe this.
Apparently Sam loses interest in the conversation and continues to walk away.
"Sam!" I call out but he keeps walking.
"Jacob, you just might be...the worst human on the planet." I say fighting back tears before I leave the lunch room.
I'm not sure why I couldn't speak...maybe I was in shock that Jacob would actually be so cruel. Maybe I was embarrassed...maybe I was hurt.
I don't know. All I know is that the look in Sam's eyes gave me a very unsettling feeling and I hope that I can fix it because if not I don't think I'll ever be the same. Sam makes me feel different...but the way he looked at me made me feel like a piece of shit. I just wish I could have said something.
I walk home because when I went to the parking lot, Sam's car was gone.
As I walk I let my mind clear. It was too good to be true anyway. Why am I so disappointed? Why would Jacob ever be descent? Why would Sam actually ever really like me? Why would the attention I ever get...ever be anything but negative? I can't cry about it now. It was bound to happen. A taste of the real world.
So now the jerky jock lives with me. My crush hates me, and he's the new 'bad boy' so its a matter of time before he becomes a walking STD too...and I don't even know if Symone is disgusted by me...she kind of just sat there mind blown. But what about me? I'll be tortured at home, at school, and anytime I see Sam with another girl. Because let's face it. The good girl...nerd girl...tom boy...realist...they never get a chance in the real world. They get luck for a second...then its vanished. Back to Depressed Drowned out Drew.
After getting my head back in the game I notice that there is a figure sitting on my porch. I walk faster to it and notice blonde hair. My heart starts to beat fast and my hands get sweaty as I approach the all to familiar figure.
"Drew, its beautiful." He says staring me in the eyes once I'm there. My heart starts to beat in Milliseconds and my breathing pace fastens.
He saw the gallery.
"Come with me." I build up the courage to say. He looks at me hesitantly but I pull his arm in the direction of my house. He follows and we enter the silent empty house.
"I want to talk to you about earlier." I say. He nods.
"Well...first off its not what you think. I just couldn't say anything because I was caught off guard." I say.
"Well then what is it?" He asks.
"So...I was really nervous after we kissed and I went to get me some comfort food and it was gone. I knew that my family hadn't taken it because they all hate banana it had to be Jacob." I start off. Sam holds his hand up gesturing for me to pause.
"Where in the world are you going with this?" He asks completely confused.
"I went to his room and confronted him and he said some snide comment so I started to beat him with a pillow." I say. Sam starts to laugh at that statement and I frown.
"Anywaaay, he's a freaking football player, so it didn't do much damage. He tackled me on the bed and started to tickle me AND I WAS COMPLETELY DEFENSELESS!" I start to yell. Sam kind of tensed up at the when I said he tackled me to the bed.
"I begged him to stop and he wouldn't but then he said only if I said that he was a babe and I wanted him to be the father of my children. Of course I refused! But the tickling got painful and I completely shattered my pride and said it." I say with a sigh at the end.
Sam sighs and then looks me in the eyes. I stare back and all of a sudden he bursts in laughter. I gasp in surprise at his outburst. What the hell?
"So...all this for banana chips?" He asks. I nod.
"Wow. You are...really something you know that?" He says. I raise my eyebrow.
"What does that mean?" I ask.
"He leans in a bit and I suck in a sharp surprised breath.
"It means your weird." He says. I pout at his statement. What the hell does that mean?!
"But I like it." He says with a wink. I blush and shift in my seat.
"Stooooop!" I say trying to contain my blush.
Okay remember all that stuff I said about me being a lonely depressed sapp? Yeah...well I take it back.
" I don't wanna." He says leaning even closer. "Hugh, Sam its no fair." I say.
"What's no fair?" He asks.
"You keep making me look like a tomato its embarrassing." I whine.
He smirks.
"But its cute." He says pulling me onto his lap.
I internally freak out but on the outside I'm wide eyed and sweaty palmed.
"Sam!" I exclaim.
"What?" He asks smiling at me.
"Why am I on your lap?" I ask.
"Because, you haven't moved yet." He points out. I sit there embarrassed. I mean..he already knows I like him. Why not just play along?
I snuggle up in his chest and sigh.
"I like it here anyway." I say. I look up to see him smiling down at me.
"Wanna watch a movie?" He asks. I nod.
"You pick." I say.
He softly places me on the couch and stands.
He grabs the movie of his choice and puts it in.
"What did you pick?" I ask. He smiles and then it comes on.
The lion king...crap. I'm gonna need tissue.
"Don't worry, you can cry in my chest." He reads my mind.
"Shut up." I say leaning my head on his shoulder. It doesn't stay there for long until he pulls me back on his lap.
"I liked your shoulder." I say.
"I liked you on my lap." He says. And I just stay quiet. For fucks sake he's magical.
"What the hell?" I hear a deep voice say. My eyes pop open and I see Jacob and Kyle Frazier in my fucking living room.
I feel something move under me and I look to see a sleeping Sam. I smile a little then look up at Jacob again.
"What?" I ask in a raspy voce due to me just waking up.
"Were you guys watching The Lion King?" Kyle asks in disbelief.
"Um, it looks that way doesn't it?" I ask rudely.
"No need to get snappy." He says. I scoff.
"What are you guys doing here anyway?" I ask sleepily, slowly getting off of Sam making sure not to wake him.
"Practice is over." Jacob says. I shrug not really caring and wondering why I asked the question in the first place.
"Can you leave please?" I asked nicely.
"Why?" Jacob asks.
"Because I don't want you near suck at being a grateful being and I just don't like you." I say straight forward.
"Look, I just came in the living room because I thought no one was in here, and I certainly didn't expect Sam to be." Jacob says.
"And why is that? Because you thought you got rid of him with your foulmouthed lies?" I ask. Jacob scoff.
"Technically it wasn't a lie." He says.
"Why don't you shove a..." I start but am interrupted.
"Drew...don't be gross." I hear a sleepy voice say. I turn around to see Sam rubbing his eyes.
"Jacob...your a dick...I don't really like you, and I wish you would just shut the fuck up sometimes, but Drew, you don't have to stoop down to his level. Just ignore it." Sam says bluntly. I gap at the words he just said to Jacob and I look at them both back to back. Jacob's jaw is clenched and Sam is yawning. Kyle is sitting there amused and I am just waiting for Jacob to talk and prove Sam's point.
"Your right Sam, I am a dick, but Drew seems to dig it." Jacob says and I uncontrollably cough. Sam starts to pat my back but I stop him because he's angry and his pats a turning into straight slaps.
"Yeah...are you fucking dumb?" Sam asks genuinely serious.
"No, I just know what a girl likes." Jacob replies.
"If you haven't noticed...your a fucking idiot...and Drew isn't just any girl. Treating her like shit is not going to get you anywhere." He says pushing past Jacob.
I walk past Jacob to get to Sam who is waiting by the front door.
"I gotta go, but I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He asks. I nod.
Before I can say anything else his lips are on mine and my body sparks up with electricity. I kiss him back a little harder than anticipated and I hear him chuckle through the kiss. He pulls away and walks out the door without turning around. I sigh and turn around to see Jacob with his eyebrows raised and Kyle covering his mouth in surprise.
"So you guys are dating?" Jacob asks for the like third time.
"Not exactly." I say and snatch the banana chips I noticed him holding. They were the ones I left on the table at lunch.
I walk up to my room and slam my bedroom door still blushing from the kiss.


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