Its Not Easy Being Cheesy

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I never knew how fast and far rumors could go until today.
Its buzzing that our schools quarterback has settled down to a nobody.
I got a text from my Julio asking me who the hell the quarterback was and why their school was talking about it. I never replied.
How the hell does it spread to a different school and school isn't even out? And why does everyone care. I sit at my lunch table fuming and giving everyone who looks my way death glares.
Symone just sits there uncomfortable.
I'm pissed at her too,because she's the one who started this.
All of a sudden the lunch room grows quiet and I see Jacob walk in being all tall and what not. I start to literally growl in anger. If I wasn't all girly I'd totally kick his ass.
But unfortunately I look cute and I don't want my hair to mess up.
I frown when I see him point in my direction while talking to some dude in a jock jacket.
I start to growl again and I hear someone clear their throat.
"What?" I snap at Symone.
"Are you okay? I don't need to shield myself do I?" She asks genuinely concerned.
"Are you a hair puller?" I ask.
"What?" She says confused.
"When you fight, do you pull hair?" I ask slowly.
"Um...yeah I geuss?" She says more like a question.
"Well then no." I say referring to her question earlier.
She frowns looking confuse but accepts my answer.
Sense I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings I get completely terrified when I feel something breathing on my neck.
I jump out of my seat and turn around to see no other than Jacob.
"Get away from me." I say angrily.
"Awww why? You didn't like our kiss?" He asks obnoxiously.
My already frown depends because I kind of did. I just don't want it. He stole my first kiss but I'm not going to let him know that.
"No,did you injoy my punch?" I snap back.
"Yeah,I'm into kinky shit." He says with a smirk.
I sarcastically smirk back but I don't think he notices. I start to walk towards him slowly. He raises his eyebrows but doesn't move. With a smirk still on both of our faces I lean in closer so that my mouth is just by his ear.
"You'll be getting a lot more of those." I say and uppercut him right in the gut.
He bends over in pain and groans. I hear Symone gasp and the lunchroom grow silent again. I grab my tray and walk it to trashcan.
I walk out the door without looking back,knowing the whole schools looking at me.
Maybe that'll ruin the rumors.
Instead of going straight home I decide to stop by the gallery.
When I get there I'm tired as hell.
I sit at the tree and try to catch my breath.
I close my eyes and try not to think.
When I was just getting calm I hear someone clear their throat. I open my eyes quickly to see sexy pants from the other day.
He smirks and sits next to me.
"I thought I'd never see you again." He says.
"Well, this is my spot." I say in a duh tone.
"Your spot? Why is it that your never here then?" He says teasingly.
"Because I have other things to worry about thank you very much." I say.
"Like what?" He says challengingly.
"Like rumors,my brothers,my dad,my grades,and getting my spot back." I say.
"Don't count on it,but what are these rumors?" He says.
"None of your business." I say stubbornly.
"Fine." He says.
"I'll find out eventually... I mean they are rumors." He says smirking.
"I guess you will, its already spread to your school." I say.
He raises his eyebrows and points to himself.
"My school? I own a school?" He asks sarcastically.
I laugh at him and role my eyes.
"You know what I mean." I say.
"Yeah,yeah." He says.
We stay silent for a second until I speak.
"Got any leads on the artist?" I ask.
"Nah,not a clue." He says.
"Well I've gotta go. My dads going to kill me." I say getting up.
"Hey wait!" He calls out to me.
I stop and look at him.
"Yeah?" I say.
"Can I have your number?" He asks and I raise my eyebrows.
"I mean not in that way...I just like talking to you." He says.
I give him a weary look.
He smiles and I decide to give it to him. I wasn't going to say it out loud but I liked talking to him too.
We exchanged numbers and I rode home happily.
If you can't hang then,there's the door baby!
If you can't hang then,there's the door baby!
If you can't hang then,there's the door.
I-i-i don't want to waste your precious time!
But your such a pretty pretty pretty pretty face!
Well ya turned into a pretty big waste of my time!
I blast my music as I do my homework.
Singing to the music I hear a knock on my door.
I get up and open the door to see a angry looking dad.
"Yeees?" I ask.
"You" He says angrily.
I frown. Who the hell could it be?
I walk down the stairs and look in the living room to see a nervous looking Jacob getting interrogated by my brothers.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask frowning and confused.
He looks at me with relief and stands up.
"Well,you never helped me with that book work." He says. My frown depends.
"I was never going to." I say slowly. I hear one of my brothers snicker and I look to see him getting hit in the head by Carlos.
"Pleaaase?" He asks.
"Sorry dude but you pretty much fucked up." I say with a neutral expression. He pokes out his bottom lip and I frown.
"Please." he begs.
"No." I say. Then he gives doe eyes.
I groan.
"Fine!" I give up and Jacob smirks.
"Damn, Drew I thought you'd last longer than that!" Johnathan says.
I roll my eyes at him and motion for Jacob to follow me.
I make him sit at the island in the kitchen.
"I'll be right back." I say.
I run up to my room and grab my textbook, notebook,and phone.
I run back down the stairs and into the kitchen to see a focused looking Jacob. I raise my eyebrows and clear my throat.
He looks up breaking his eye contact from the text book.
"I'm back." I say with sarcastic excitement.
"I can see that." He says. I frown and sit down.
"What do you need help with?" I ask. I already finished my work so all I have to do is explain and wait.
"Well, I did most of it,but the last section is killing me." He says. I grab his notebook and examine what he's doing wrong.
"You're over thinking it,its chemistry. Even though its algebraic equations it'll always tie down to chemistry." I explain. He nods.
"So what am I looking for? An atomic number? Mass? Electron? What?" He asks.
"We're looking for the scientific notation." I say.
"Annnd how do we do that?" He asks. I sigh and explain it to him. After a couple of tries he understands and starts to do it on his own.
I sit here just waiting for him to finish so I can check when I get a text.
I look at my phone to see the name Sam and it brings a little smile to my face. I hadn't noticed that Jacob had looked at it too until he said something.
"Who's Sam?" He asks sounding curious.
"Just this guy." I say picking up my phone and checking it.
Sam- Hey
I reply with a 'hi' and bring attention back to Jacob.
"Are you almost done?" I ask.
He nods and continues his work.
I sigh and grab my phone when I here it vibrate again.
Sam-Whats up?
I reply with a 'nothing much' and look up to see Jacobs notebook in front of me.
"Why didn't you say anything?" I ask.
"I didnt want to disturb." He says with a smirk. I roll my eyes.
"Sense when do you care?" I ask with a scoff.
"I don't." He says with a grin. I grad his book and start to check it.
He did a good job.
"Great,goodbye." I say and get up.
I walk towards the back door and lean on it until he's done packing his bag.
He walks up to me and I open the door while he walks out he pulls me with him and I stumble.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Its rude if you don't walk me to my car." He says. I groan. What is his problem?
"Fine,but can you stop touching me? I've had enough of you touching me today." I said.
He turns around and scoffs.
"Now when did I touch you today?" He asks.
"Dude! You literally touched me twice...with your lips to be exact!" I exclaim. He chuckles.
"Oh yeah, you know the second one you kind of kissed back." He says. I turn read but thankfully he can't see because its dark.
"No I didn't." I deny.
He laughs at me.
"Yeah you did! I felt it." He says and I just sigh.
"You have really soft lips, has anyone ever told you that?" He asks and I freeze. He turns around and raises his eyebrows at me. I just look at him and my face turns into a tomato. He slowly starts to smile. Oh no.
"I stole your first kiss!" He exclaims and I just sit there.
"Oh my gosh! You've never been kissed?" He asks and I just ignore him. We are still on the side of the house and its really making me uncomfortable.
He calms down and looks at me. He has a look of sympathy in his eyes.
"I didn't know." He says. He then tugs my hand and we continue walking to the car.
When we finally make it he looks at me.
"You know those rumors are just gonna push over right?" I look up at him and frown.
"They shouldn't have ever existed." I say.
He nods.
"Yeah,but it was fun making you mad soo..."he says and I lightly punch his arm.
"Shut up." I say and he chuckles but I was dead serious.
"Thanks for the help." He says. Its quiet for a second and I'm just looking around then out of the blue I feel hands on my shoulders. I look up and get a quick peck on my lips and it surprises the shit out of me. I then hear an evil laugh and Jacob runs into his car and closes the door. I frown.
He drives out the parking lot and roles down the window.
"You totally kissed back that time!" He screams and drives off.
Last night I texted Sam a lot,he's pretty cool.
I found out he likes Doctor Who and he's crazy about Star Wars.
He has 2 sisters and a mom. His dad left him when he was 13. His sisters are 5 and 12.
I guess you can say him and I have a lot in common. He's and undercover nerd,and he's the only guy in his house,plus he likes to board but he doesn't like rock. He's into hip-hop,so am I, but rock is my kryptonite.
I had a great conversation but all while I was talking to Sam I couldn't get Jacob out my head.
I've never felt so unprepared to go to school in my life.
Jacob kissed me 3 times yesterday. I let him do it. I kissed Jacob,our schools quarterback 3 freaking times in one day.
I rub my head as I try to pick an outfit from my closet. I settle for jogging pants and a tank top. I really wasn't feeling it today.
I brush my wet hair in a ponytail and throw on a hooded jacket.
I grab my bag and head down the stairs where I am met by silence.
I frown and look at my phone.
Its only 6:53. I look in the kitchen and no ones there. Crap! They must have thought I was board again. I guess I'll have too.
I go back upstairs and grabbed my skateboard.
When I walk outside I start to push but I hear a crunch then all of a sudden I'm falling. I sit up in a daze and look around. What the hell just happened?
I groan and stand up to see a loose wheel laying amongst the ground. I pick up my board to see that I have missing wheel. the hell am I going to get to school?
My dad and brothers have already left.
I walk to my porch and try to think.
Symone doesn't have a car she walks to school,I don't know Jacobs number and I'd rather not get a ride from him anyways.
I sigh. It would be great if I had more than one friend right about now.
Just then I get a text.
Sam-good morning (:
Sam! Maybe he could give me a ride? I felt stupid asking but he is 17 maybe he has a license.
Me-Good morning...Sam I know this is weird but I really need a favor.
I text him. I get an instant response.
Sam-go for it.
Me-do u think you could give me a ride to school? My board broke.
Sam-yeah,are you cool with sitting in the back? My sister called shotgun.
Me-lol yeah totally.
Sam-give me ur address.
I texted him my address and he responded with a 'be there in 5' and I sat on the porch waiting.
I was playing on my phone when I heard a honk.
I looked up to see a cheesing Sam. I smile back and get I'm the back were I sit next to a little girl with long curly brown hair in a ponytail. She was adorable.
"Hello me Lady." Sam says with a British accent.
"That was unbearably che-" I say but am cut off.
"What? Cheesy? Its not easy being cheesy." He says and I stare at him blankly.
"Okie dok there Chester." I say and his sister sitting in the front chuckles.
I suddenly frown. Its rude of me not to introduce myself. I lean forward.
"Hi, I'm Drew." I say with a smile extending my hand.
I can't believe Drew just smiled you guys! Anyway...I hope you liked this chapter!

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