I Want That.

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So its been 4 days sense we auditioned for glee and I've been having a blast. Nobody knows and its been fun.
Sam and I really bond in there and I've made a couple of new friends. There's Cameron, Joy, and Timothy all in the beginner level with Sam and I which means we don't get solos right away and then there's Caleb, Trisha,Anthony, and Grace. They are all Seniors and have been doing this sense forever. I've learned a lot about glee that I never knew, we've won nationals 3 times in a row for the pass three years and we have our own bus and the school pays for us a lot. I guess football really just washes over all our other successful clubs. Glee is pushed down to a lower level.
Not exactly lame, just something people settle for, for their extra curricular classes.
Sam has not yet convinced me to talk to my family about this but I'm starting to feel like I have nothing to be ashamed of.
We have a performance in two days in our schools auditorium and I'm freaking out.
Luckily I don't go to the same school as my brothers but I do go to the same school with Jacob, and he's going to talk. I have to tell them before Jacob does. Its settled. Ill talk to them when my dad gets back tomorrow.
Even Jacob.
"Want some?" Symone asks me referring to her ketchup chips. We were currently watching a movie in my room its called ColdWater, its on netflix. Its about some delinquent boys and its pretty good.
"No, I'm gonna go get some banana chips out the kitchen." I say getting up.
She nods and continues watching the movie.
I head downstairs to the kitchen and i hear a voice. I poke my head in the kitchen door to see Jacob talking on the phone. I quietly walk in so I wont disturb him but that fails when I trip over the mat on the floor.
"Shit! I'll call you back." I hear Jacob say.
"You alright?" he asks standing over me.
I nod and get up.
"Just peachy." I say sarcastically.
"So, I'm bored and everybody is busy, wanna go do something?" Jacob asks.
"Thanks but no thanks, I have company." I say. He raises his eyebrows at me.
"I didn't see Sam come in." He says.
"Because he didn't, its Symone." I say.
"Oh, that means I can borrow you for a second?" He says with a mischievous smile. I raise my eyebrows at him in question.
"For what?" Jacob starts to walk closer to me and I stiffen up. I walk backwards as he walks forward and I end up running into the kitchen island which is really inconvenient at the time. I think about running to my right but a stools in the way so I head for my left and boom his arm is there. I sigh and look up to see that I am locked in by him.
"What do you want?" I ask annoyed.
"Oh, nothing, I just miss messing with you." He says with a little stupid smirk. I roll my eyes at it and look at my feet.
"So, how's your little relationship going?" He asks.
I groan and look up at him.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" I say sarcastically.
"Yes, I would." He says. I roll my eyes once more and look down again.
""Its going fine, thank you very much." I say. He nods.
"Lies!" He says and I frown up at him.
"It is going fine!" I say raising my voice, and it is but sometimes I feel like we were more affectionate when we weren't dating. I just feel like our title is defining us. Now that he's my boyfriend I don't have to show him how much I like him because he's all mine....and I think he's thinking the same way. And I don't like it. I frown at my thoughts and obviously Jacob saw that.
"Soooo, its not fine?" He says smugly. I roll my eyes and start to poke his belly button.
"Leave *poke* me *poke* be! *poke" I shout. He starts to giggle like a little girl and it makes me smirk, is Jacob...ticklish?
"Stop!" He says while laughing.
"Oh, are you?.... Are you ticklish!?!" I ask in triumph while poking him.
"No, its just a silly thing to do, why would you poke my belly button?" He asks. Well fuck, I thought I was on to something.
"With the intention that you'd be ticklish." I say with a frown and poke him hard this time.
"Ow!" He shouts and slaps my hand. I pull my hand away and pout.
"You hit me." I say. He nods and walks away.
"No! Don't walk away I must get revenge!" I yell at him.
"Don't think so." He says walking up the stairs.
"Where are you going?" I ask angrily.
"To keep Symone company sense you completely forgot about her." He says walking towards my room.
" I did not! You distracted me." I say defensively.
"I'm so glad I have that affect on you." He says smugly before opening my door.
"Hey Symone." He says with a smile. She nods in his direction then focuses back on the movie.
He plops down on my bed and I groan.
"Get off!" I yell. Symons groans as well and presses pause.
"Lookie here love birds, this is a good movie so shut your faces!" She says. I groan and sit next to Jacob on my bed while Symone sits on the bean bag right next to it.
I roll my eyes at Jacob before Symone starts the movie again.
"You didn't deny that." Jacob whispers. I look at him in confusion.
"When she called us lovebirds." He says refreshing my memory.
"Oh, well we're not." I say blunty. He smirks at me.
"Too late, it has already soaked in, I'm all yours." He says jokingly. I roll my eyes and look at the screen.
We are currently walking Symone to the door.
We bid our goodbyes and close the door and as soon as the door clicks, I'm swept off my feet...literally.
"Umm, I like the ground." I say.
"Yeah? Well I'm carrying you all the way upstairs." Jacob says.
"Well, if you insist on carrying me, can you carry me to the kitchen first? I need food." I say.
"Sure." He says carrying me to the kitchen.
He sits me on the counter of the kitchen island.
"What do you want to eat?" He asks. I tap my finger on my chin thinking.
"Give me pudding!" I yell happily. Jacob puts his finger on my lips to shush me and I automatically bite it.
"Ow!" He yells. I Flench back in surprise.
"I'm sorry, it was by reflex." I say apologetically.
"Yeah, sure." He says. I toll my eyes.
"Pudding please?" I ask. He nods and goes to the fridge and goes straight to it. I grin and kick my legs in excitement.
He tosses it to me and I open it swiftly.
I eat it with anticipation.
I notice that jacob is eating pudding too, but with a spoon...like some civilized animal!
"Who are you?" I ask unbelieving.
"Jacob?" He says looking confused.
"You don't sound so sure." I say raising an eyebrow. He furrows his in confusion and I just laugh at him.
"I'm done, carry up stairs." I say with sass as I open my arms as if Im about to hug him. He shakes his head and grabs me from the island but he puts me back down.
I frown and look at him.
"What?" I ask.
"Serious time?" He asks. My frown grows deeper and I slouch.
"Why does everyone have to ask that? Isn't it obvious that I'll say no? Its better to just force me to serious." I say with a whine.
"When are you going to tell Sam that you don't think things are going as good as you want them to?" He asks. I immediately get serious. Okay, maybe I shouldn't have asked him to force it out of me.
"We've only been dating for a week, Jacob." I say.
"Which is very unusual for a couple to be having problems this soon." He says.
"Its my first relationship! Of course I am! Jacob, please just stay out of it, I like him...a lot, and I don't need you to mess it up." I yell.
"How am I messing it up? I'm trying to help you out! I don't think you should rush into a relationship with Sam!" He yells back. I look at him blankly with an angry expression.
"Well...too bad I never asked for your opinion on my love life." I say, hopping off the counter and storming upstairs.
"Drew!" He yells after me. I ignore and keep walking.
"Drew!" He yells again grabbing my arm. I spin around.
"What?!" I yell at him.
"What are you doing to me?" He asks softly looking in my eyes. I don't know what just happened but I just felt my heart skip a beat.
"I...I...good night Jacob." I say walking away again. I hear him groan and I close my eyes and sigh. I go to my room and slam onto the bed.
Why is life so complicated?

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