You're So Kind.

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       We finally made it back to the apartment and I was getting nervous by the minute. We entered and sat down on the couch in the livingroom.

"Im really sorry about lying to you...I just...I didnt want my story to be one of 'those stories'." He says using air quotes. I sigh and nod.

"I understand. I dont like talking about my mom either." I say. Jacob looks at me and frowns.

"Dont forgive me that easily." He says angry.
I furrow my brows at him and turn my entire body in his direction.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Me lying to you isn't okay, I don't plan on doing it again, but I don't want you to be so forgiving if I do." He says. Im a little confused but I nod.

"Sorry?" I say more as a question. He chuckles and puts his arms around my shoulders.

"Did you like her?" He asks. I grin and nod at him.

"She reminds me of you. You get a lot of your characteristics from her." I explain. He smiles and nods.

"Yeah, all but the drinking." He says.
Its silent for a while and he stands.

"Are you hungry? Because I have something to show you." He says excitedly. I am immediately intrigued because lets be honest, food is my bestfriend.

"Im always hungry Jacob." I say in a duh tone. He grins and pulls me off the couch and dragging my body to the room.

"Jacob! I can walk you know?" I say trying to calm him. He just ignores me and slams me on the bed. He runs to the other side of the room and opens the closet.

      In the closet is two small drawers at the bottom usually made for shoes but when he opened it, it was filled with snacks. The amount of energy that popped in my body when I saw banana chips was extremely high and I hopped off the bed with extreme purpose.

    The purpose was to devour those banana chips with no remorse for the banana. Jacob started to laugh at me when he saw me reach for the bag but he immediately stopped me.

    "Ah, ah, ah! Those are mine, yours are in the other drawer." He says pointing to the neighboring drawer. I open it revealing multiple bags of banana chips, skittles, sour patch kids, and other candies.

     I smile with great appreciation and tackle him to the ground. He starts to laugh and I attack him with kisses. Who knew I could be so loving just by the sight of food? I knew.

"Dreww!" He whines.

"Oh you know you love it!" I say. He laughs again and so do I. I straddle him and look down at him and he still laughs. His dimples pop out when he laughs. I smile and start to pinch his cheeks.

"Really?" He says in a muffled voice.

"Mmmhm" I say. He sighs and lets me pinch his cheeks while grabbing my waist.

"You know whats better than pinching my cheeks?" He asks. I raise my eyebrow for him to continue.

"Eating." He says. I lean closer to him and his breathe hitches.

"Sounds good to me." I say while getting off of him and going back to the closet.
Hmmmm...what should I get?

"Sourpatch kids?" Jacob suggests. I nod and grab his bag because I didnt want to take from mine haha im a genius.

We sit on the bed and open the bag.

"Want to watch something? I have netflix." He says. I nod and he cuts on the TV and XboxOne.

"What do you wanna watch?" He asks.

"How about this?" I say pointing to Bates Motel. He nods and I cuddle next to him watching TV and eating sourpatch kids.

I must say. The show is beautifully disturbing.

"Im gonna order pizza, because candy is just not cutting it." Jacob says, sitting up and grabbing his phone. I lay back on the bed and pout. He was warm.

"Meat lovers!" I shout. Jacob chuckles and askes for a meat lovers pizza. I smile satisfied and my mind wanders back to sex.

Im genuinely scared even though Jacob has showed no signs of wanting to. I wouldnt be ready. At least I dont think so.

"I ordered the pizza." He says laying back on the bed, cutting my thoughts short. I look at him and he grabs me, pulling me closer.
I sigh and lay in his arms.

"You smell like mint." I say.

"Thanks." He says. I sit up and stare at him. He just stares back confused.

"You wouldnt rush me to do anything right?" I ask. He frowns at me and sits up.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Like...If you wanted to, would you rush me?" I ask. His frown deepens and he scoots closer to me. He rubs my arm with a concerned look.

"Of course not. Look, I love you. I would never put you in an uncomfortable situation. And by the smell like vanilla." He says. I chuckle and kiss him. He looks down at me with soft eyes.

"I have never been this happy in my life." I say. His eyes light up and he grins uncontrollably.

"Neither have I." He says. I smile brightly.
He kisses me again and I just melt. Its so weird how someone I hated with a passion could love me so much and I love them just as much, maybe even more.

"I love you too." I say.
"Drew! Drew! Wake up! We'll be late!" I hear an eager voice say. I sit up reluctantly and look at the clock on the desk.

"Jacob, its 6 in the morning." I pout.

"I wanted to go get breakfast." He says. I sigh and get out of bed.

"I don't have clothes." I remember.

"Don't worry. I have pants with draw strings and a shirt that shrunk in the dryer." He says pointing to a chair in the corner with the clothes. I smile relieved and grab the clothes.

I look to Jacob to see that he was soaking wet with a towel wrapped around him. I've seen it before but something about it drove me wild.
I dont know what came over me but I stood and walked towards him.
He looked at me confused and I smirked at him.
I kissed him hard and he looked extremely confused now.

"What are you doi..." He was cut off by another kiss.
This time he kissed me back.

"You mind if we skip breakfast?" I ask. He looks at me with wide eyes and nods vigoursly.

I push him on the bed and kiss him more.
What the fuck am I doing!?!?

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