The struggles of a Highschool Heart throb

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Aaaah, the struggles of a high school heart throb...which is me of course.

I'm currently in the school's parking lot and everyone is staring at me....okay maybe like two guys from the chess club but under all that acne and plaid lies a-a-a...pretty awkward person to talk to.

Either way it goes, I'm not very fond of attention and here I am basking in all my sweaty gorgeousness, from me literally running to school. Now I'm in front of the male species of the chess club and its making me highly uncomfortable considering they look like they are going to wet their pants.

Hmmm, maybe they're all wide eyed and pissy because they find me intimidating.

I'll see about that.
I slowly walk up to the critters and sit at their assorted table.

"Hello fellas." I say sweetly and they just put their heads down...what a bunch of wuss.

"So I couldn't help but notice the pervy vibe and eye rapes I get from you all and I decided to call you out on your shit." I say keeping my sweet smile in tact. They all look like a deer in the head lights.

"Oh so now you're mute? I thought so...just keep your eyes on your chess pieces okay fellas?" I ask all chipper and what not. They all rapidly nod and I stand up from my seat and salute them.
I now walk in school on a mission to get to my locker.
Being 5'2 has its perks and also its disadvantages. A perk being that I can squeeze through the crowd of students and a disadvantage being that I can never reach anything.

As I make it to my locker I can over hear Michelle West and her friends talk about the school's quarterback. I have an advantage of having a locker right next to Michelle because if I ever decide the day where I want to ruin all morals, escape all form of modesty, and part my legs like Moses did the Red Sea I'll know who can rock my wagon if ya' know what I mean.

All I'm saying is every Monday she talks about her fling for the weekend. Today her fling was Jacob Evans and must I say, I really like his face. Most girls do. I even heard he got one of the schools known lesbians to cheat on her long time girlfriend with him. Its sad really. How the one guy whose face you could eat is most likely to have an STD.

Tsk, tsk, tsk teenagers these days.

As Michelle speaks about Jacob he walks by and winks at her. Her friends squeal, she smirks, and I gag. What a beautiful combination eh?
I hear the first bell ring and head to my first hour which is Chemistry.

Yes, as you can see I am a Sophomore.
Let me wrap your brain around how my sibling timeline works.

Johnathan and Carlos are seniors and attend Regina Carson High and so do my other brothers...I on the other hand got kicked out of that school for beating a cheerleaders face in with a Biology book freshmen year.

The twins are 19,Giounni is 17,Julio is 16 and I am 15.
Our birthdays are weird so I'll be 16 in a few weeks and Julio will still be 16 until he turns 17 in 3 months and Giounni will be 18 in 2 months but the twins just turned 19 a few weeks ago so yeah its complicated.

Julio and I are in the same grade but attend different schools. I attend Gregory S. Hunter High.

I'm not going to lie RCHS was a really cliché school. The mean girls, bad boys and all but GSHHS is reality.

Sluts and athletes is what teenagers have become. Its sad but true and you will rarely find fun,smart and righteously sarcastic people like myself in our youth today.

As I enter chemistry class I sit in my regular seat located in the far corner of the room next to a window with a perfect view of the football field. Usually the football team has morning practice if you don't have a first hour and surprisingly most of them don't.

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