Maybe I Do!

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"I'm Amanda." She says, bringing her right hand around to shake my left.
She has a bright smile on her face. I then turn to the girl next to me.
"Hi,I'm Drew." I say extending my hand with an even friendlier smile than before.
"Hi! I'm Kate!" She exclaims happily.
"Hi Kate." I say. She is so adorable.
The older girl has blonde hair but not as blonde at her brothers. She was a dirty blonde.
Sam had bleach blonde hair with brown roots. I wonder if he died it.
As we sit there in comfortable silence I notice that he's taking me to school first.
We pull up in the front which I rarely go through and he sighs.
"Welp... I'll see you later? Are you going to the gallery today?" He asks. I think about it.
"Sure,if you pick me up. My board is still broken you know." I explain.
"Oh yeah! Sure,what time should I pick you up." He asks.
"Around 3:20,I'll text you if plans change." I say and get out the car.
I wave goodbye and so does everyone else.
He pulls of and I make my way in the school and 7:35. I thought I'd be late but exactly on time.
I walk to my locker and try to do my combination but am distracted when I hear these girls next to me talking about me.
"Did you hear that quiet girl that always death glares everyone is like dating Jacob? Jacob chose her of all people!" She exclaims. I finally get my locker open and just slam it right back shut so they get scared and turn around.
They all look at me with wide eyes.
I sweetly smile at them and walk towards them.
"I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't talk about me without checking...because I'm everywhere bitch,and to get your brains in tact I'm not dating Jacob,I've never dated Jacob,and never will date Jacob!" I exclaim. I then smile again and walk back to my locker. I open it and grab my chemistry book. I slam it again for EXTRA effect and turn to death glare the startled bimbos sense I'm so known for it. I stomp off to class extremely pissed for you know what reason.
"Hey Drew." I hear someone say as I enter the class. I look around to see Symone. I frown at her but walk in her direction anyway. I don't sit in my normal seat because its too close to Jacob. I sit next to Symone.
"Hi." I say sadly.
Symone frowns.
"What's wrong?" She asks concerned.
"I had to yell at bimbos today." I say with a sigh.
She nods in understanding. I sigh again and look up at her.
"I'm not mad at you anymore." I say.
She gives me a big toothy grin.
"Great!" She exclaims and I chuckle at her excitement.
I was about to say something when the teacher clears her throat.
"Hand in your papers!" She says and we all get up. I stand in line to put my paper in.
Once we all got our paper in and settle down she starts the lesson.
About 15 minutes into the lesson we hear the door open and in comes Jacob with the coach.
"Sorry Mrs. Taylor I had to speak with my player." She nods and tells Jacob to have a seat.
As he walks to his seat he looks at me and frowns. I frown back not knowing why he frowned in the first place.
"Do you have your paper Mr.Harper?" The teacher asks Jacob. He bods and stands up to hand her the paper.
He seems really upset. I don't know why but its bothering me. He's usually a happy person.
He sits back down and looks down at his hands while fiddling with his fingers. I frown and don't know that someone's calling my name. I snap my head to see Symone waving her hands in my face.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" I say. She frowns and looks at Jacob,then looks at me.
"What's going on here?" She asks confused. I shrug and look down at my book.
"Suuure." She says unbelieving. She should believe because I don't know what's wrong with him.
I groan at her assumption.
When the bell rings Jacob gets up and flies out of the classroom. Everyone looks at him then looks at me and I frown at all of them. What the hell?
I walk out the class and to my locker.
I swear I hate high school.
Lunch was awkward.
Symone kept talking about Jacob and Jacob never showed up for lunch.
Something at the bottom of my stomach cared but most of me was screaming thank the lord!
I was ignoring Symone and eating my food.
I honestly just want to go home.
As I sit there eating my burger my phone rings.
I look at the caller I.D. and its Sam. Why would same be calling me? I answer anyway.
"Hello?" I ask confused.
"Drew! Drew! Its destroyed!" He says pained.
I blink not knowing what to say.
"W-whats destroyed?" I asked.
"The...the..the gallery! Its fucking destroyed!" He exclaims.
My eyes go wide.
"What?!?" I scream and the whole lunch room looks at me.
I get up and leave out feeling my heart sink.
"How do you know?" I asked confused.
"I have a free period so I decided to go to the gallery and everything is fucking gone! Everything! The boards are broken,the strings are cut! Everything is fucked up!" He yells in my ear.
This can't be happening.
"But...who would do this?" I asked mostly to myself.
"I don't know but now...I have to find them...and I'll have to kill them." He says and I get a little startled.
"No ones dying Sam...but how the hell do you vandalize, vandalism?!?" I exclaim.
"I don't know,but I guess we can't go to the gallery today." He says sadly.
"Yeah...well I'll text you later. I gotta go." I say. We say our goodbyes and hang up.
Right now I want to shed tears. The gallery was such a beautiful place. It was my peace and quiet out of this crazy stupid life.
It was my escape and now its ruined.
I walk up and down the halls just thinking when I see Jacob by his locker talking on the phone. He looks upset so I try to see what he's talking about.
"Yes dad I'll start packing when I get home...yes....fine!" He shouts and slams his locker while hanging up. I gasp and try to walk away but I hear him call my name. I slowly turn around and see him frowning at me.
"What did you hear?" He asks. I look at my feet,scared to meet his death glares.
"I...heard you say you were packing." I say quickly.
Then it was my turn to frown. "Why are you packing?" I ask curious.
"None of your business." He says but just stands there.
I frown and walk away but he grabs my arm.
"What does it matter to you? You want me gone anyway." He says.
"I never wanted you gone...I just never wanted to be bothered by you." I say honestly.
"Well you won't be." He says.
"Whats going on?" I ask. I don't know why I'm asking. I guess I'm just curious.
"You don't care!" He shouts.
"Well maybe I do!" I shout back and both our eyes go wide.
"Or maybe I'm just curious...but if you don't want to tell me fine! Bye." I say and walk away. This time not getting pulled back.

I sit in my room listening to sad songs to fit my mood.
I ended up walking home because Sam had to get his sisters early and go to meet up with his parents somewhere.
I was completely devastated about the gallery but at the pit of my stomach I knew that wasn't the only reason I was upset.
As I sit here sulking in my sorrows I hear my brothers talking downstairs which means their home from practice. I sigh and get up to go say hi sense I hadn't seen them at all today.
I reluctantly shuffle down the stairs and see my brothers in the kitchen. I enter the kitchen not even bothering to smile.
"Hi." I say with a scratchy voice.
"Hey." They say in unison. I open the freezer and grab an ice cream bucket and grab a spoon from the drawer.
I slam the bucket on the counter and open it. Just when I'm about to dig in Carlos takes the spoon out my hand and raises his eyebrows at me.
"Give it baaaaack!" I whine.
"What's wrong with you?" Julio says knowingly.
"Nothing,just...I just want ice cream!" I yell.
Carlos gives me my spoon back but hands me a bowl too.
"Don't be a pig." He says. I roll my eyes and grab an ice cream scooper.
After I go back to my room with my I've cream I think of something totally crazy.
This is insane but...I'm going to do it!
What is Drew going to do?
Hah! That rhymed!
Anywaaaaay! I hoped you liked the chapter I have a picture of Sam up right there oh la la right?

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