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A/N Okay so before I start, I just wanted to say that I am doing this on a phone and I am a beginner so when it comes to being plot steady I'm probably not on a great level with it. So please, I need negative comments to know what I'm doing wrong. Just like Drew I'm a realist, if I write like shit...tell me I write like shit. It won't hurt. All I ask is that you don't go overboard because as well as you can I can too and you don't want to mess with angry Rebecca. Anyway...enjoy.
PS, pic of Drew is available right there.

    I'm currently in lunch thinking about what I just said to myself earlier and denying every word.

   I'm basically invisible. My personality is unmemorable to this generation.

   He probably doesn't even know my name. Unlike Lauren, I'm not popular. Lauren is our school's President, she is captain of the debate team and she has won first place in every science fair in the district. She is known.

Jacob even forgot I was standing next to him in the matter of 3 seconds. I had no shot at even being looked at by him again.

   As I wipe the thought out of my mind and continue eating my food I feel a presence next to me. I slowly look up and am greeted with familiar eyes.

   "Hey, I hope you don't mind. I have nowhere else to sit." She says looking kind of embarrassed. Yep, you guessed it. Symone.

   I stay silent because I kind of do mind. I like being alone. Ignoring my pleading eyes she sits down anyways.

  "I just...I'm new and you're  like the only person I've talked to today."

  New? I would have heard about this. Is she like a figment of my imagination or something?

  "Oh." Is my simple reply. I continue eating my lunch and look around me. She doesn't seem to draw any attention so thats good.

  "Thanks." She says with a genuine smile.
   I half smile back and look away from her.

   "So..." She trys to speak but I cut her off.

  "Look,Symone? Right?" She nods.

  "I don't usually talk much and....I don't plan on starting now." I say trying to be polite even though its not working at all.

  She looks a little disappointed but I can see that my point has gotten across to her.

  "I understand...I can leave if you want me to." She says in a low, sad voice.

   I don't know what I'm feeling right now but I'm frowning and I'm not even mad at her. Am I feeling.... guilty?

  She slowly gets up,slipping her bag back on her shoulder and picking up her tray. It takes all that is in me not to help her slide her chair out and do a happy dance on her way to a different table but a part of me knew it wasn't right to let her leave.

  "Wait!" I shout.
She turns to me with hope in her eyes. I sigh.

  "You can stay,just...try not to make small talk okay?" I say to her very seriously. A small smile creeps on her lips.

   "Okay." She says way happier than expected.
We sit there in a beautiful silence until the whole cafeteria gets quiet and all you can hear are foot steps.

  In comes some hot guys and our principal.

  "Students, we have visitors for today. Next hour we'll meet in the auditorium!" He shouts.

    You can hear a couple skanks purring a mile away at the guys standing next to our principal in the center of the cafeteria.

  They finally exit and things get back to normal. I sigh and get back to eating when I hear Symone chuckle. I look up at her and raise my eyebrow.

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