Run - Japanese Version

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I'm back!!

First and foremost, BTS are killing me with everything that is going on... their 1000 day anniversary, Yoongi's birthday, Yoonmin during Yoongi's birthday (seriously, Yoonmin are so real that they have now replaced Taekook as my OTP), that thing they did with Jessi (I could not breathe... JUNGKOOK WYD OMG), and lastly, their new Run MV - Japanese version.

The theories are already formulating and I haven't even had a chance to breathe after crying my life away from too many Bangtan feels. Awhile ago, Jhope confirmed that V was calling Rapmon (I thought it was Jin the whole time) in the prologue. That's important for one of the scenes in this new MV. Seeing as it is still early... I haven't found many theories, but god knows I have my own, and I'm gonna tell you them RIGHT NOW!!

It starts off in their dance positions, and V walks in and places his hand on Jin's shoulder... possibly a connection that they are the only two alive.

There is graffiti everywhere surrounding V and Rapmon. Do you remember who was doing all the graffiti in Run MV (Korean Vers.) and got arrested for it? Yep... those two are tied.

Rapmon is at a payphone because he is the one that V called in the Prologue after he killed his father. You need proof?

Now over to the Sugakookie storyline

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Now over to the Sugakookie storyline. Yoongi is in a room full of shattered glass, which reflects how he shattered the glass mirror in "Run" (Korean vers.) after his fight with Jungkook.

In Jin's room, the walls are reflected with something that looks like moving water... maybe a pool. This could correlate to how he tried to drive his car into the ocean. In all versions of "Run", he seems to break the fourth wall a lot by staring straight into the camera with his serious face... as if he knows something that nobody else seems to know.

In this new version of "Run", there are scenes that cut from Suga looking into the broken glass to Jungkook. It's almost as if Yoongi is searching for his other half in the mirror, and because Jungkook is Yoongi's twin... Kookie is the other half that Yoongi is looking for.

Now for the part that wrecks me... Jimin is drowning in a freaking tank full of water! I AM NOT OK! Stop drowning poor Chimchim JFC!! This connects with EVERY OTHER TIME HE IS DROWNING, WHICH IS IN LIKE EVERY MV OF THIS YOUTH SERIES... I AM SO DONE! #savedrowningChim2k16

 I AM SO DONE! #savedrowningChim2k16

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Hobi's room is next... and it is full of feathers... which reminds me of his hospital scene in the Korean version and the feathery pillow fight that came after. I feel like Hobi is a bird or related to birds, which ties into the Peter Pan theory well.

Jimin just... he opened his eyes... this is as confusing as when Hobi opened his eyes in INU.

Jungkook crushed a flower.. The same blue flowers that were in the Sugakookie fight scene in the Korean version.

 The same blue flowers that were in the Sugakookie fight scene in the Korean version

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Jin is in a room and there is a butterfly on the wall and the words "Nevermind".

Taehyung lies down on a floor flooded with water and the spray paint mixed with the water makes a pink-ish colour, which could be mistaken for blood if the colour was darker. On the wall it says "Regret", which could represent V's regret for what happened with his father. 

Now on to the graffiti and the importance of the words and phrases

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Now on to the graffiti and the importance of the words and phrases. This is the part where I had to get theories from other ARMYs because I had no idea what was going on with the words. The phrases caught were:

"Dedicated to all of the boys who have lived in this painful world. Shit."

"Res, non verba" - Latin for "deeds rather than words"

"Pain past is pleasure"

"while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to die humbly for one" - This is a quote from "The Catcher in the Rye" and in the original quote, "live" was used instead of "die". Here is the original quote: "The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one."

"Hoi" "Doei" - "Hi" and "Bye" in Dutch

"Youth is never coming back"

"Won't trust, can't trust, don't trust"

"Save me from myself"

"Nevermind" - You all know what this means

"In Bloom" "Teen Spirit" - also related to Nirvana


"Pro Memoria" - Latin for "for memory"

"What really knocks me out is a book..."

"Your skin makes me cry" - OMG this is from Radiohead's "Creep"

"Dum spiro spero" - Latin for "While I breathe, I hope"

"Easy Easy" - written multiple times... must be important

"3.1.2016" - Rapmon tweeted "#remember1919" on 1st of March... this relates to the Samil Movement. I would type more about it, but its way past midnight and I need to get at least 2 hours sleep.

"626" - There are multiple theories on this one. There is the extracting each number and finding out the meaning of the numbers and their energies through Angel Numbers and Numerology... which I'm too lazy to do. Then there is also the bible quoting of Revelations 14:6. Yes... our fandom is quoting the bible... again. This part of the bible also refers to angels... so angels must be important somehow. Maybe Jin is an angel... I'm just picking on him because he is always the one who knows more in these videos, like he is more transcendent, and he is the odd one out in this series. So therefore... Princess Jin is an angel... he's my angel :D

Ok, I really need sleep. So this is done for now.

P.S. I am so fucking tired right now. Why did BTS have to do this? I was not prepared. Why did Got7 have to pull their own confusing af video which makes me want to formulate even more theories. I want answers from the members. I will hunt them down and demand the truth... after fainting from being near them. 

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