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I didn't expect another one so soon... but it happened.

Ok, I'm going to backtrack again and go with my own theories from "Wings" about how its all connected and Jungkook is in a transition state. After watching "Lie", I know for certain its connected back to HYYH. So in Jungkook's video, there was that paper with Yoongi's portrait on it and there were a lot of connections between Sugakookie, like the fire, the paintings, Jungkook yelling out "hyung". Ok, maybe V doesn't have much to do with it and the portrait is Jungkook. Maybe the portrait is dying as Jungkook is dying and Kookie is yelling out to Yoongi to help him because he can't go through this without him.

Now in Jimin's one, there are a LOT of symbols of Hobi. The pills, the beds, the feathers... its like Big Hit are putting them into pairs for this... the same pairs that were in the HYYH series. Also, at the end there are 4 circles... I think this is for each pair... but the last one is Jin, by himself. Do you know what has four people? The vocal unit. I reckon, the next video is going to be of Tae with symbols for Namjoon, then the last one is of Jin, by himself or possibly even symbols of everyone and how he is separate from them.

If we connect this back to the Peter Pan theory, its like all the Lost Boys are truly lost and they haven't been rebirthed... instead they are stuck in this limbo. Also... I think Big Hit are trying to tell us something important about books... its not just Peter Pan and Demian... but in previous videos, you will see quotes from books done as graffiti on walls. Not to mention, Namjoon's small video that was in a library (you know.. When Jungkook was at the cafe, Yoongi was playing basketball, HOBI WAS AT THAT BRIDGE WHERE HE COLLAPSED, etc.) Also, in that Buttefly video where they were all in that room full of BOOKS. It's like there is a subliminal message about how they are creating their own story but this story is still influenced by other people's stories. Like in real life, how we all have our own separate lives but we all are still connected and have an influence on each other's lives.

OK... now to deeply analyse Jimin's video. I can't understand Korean or read it so I won't be able to analyse the lyrics or the words that popped up... unless I see translations.

Wow.. this video is so creepily beautiful. Ok.. so when Jimin is dancing... he does that same choking movement he does in "Save Me". He's smiling at the camera and then suddenly he falls back, which reminds me of Hobi, and he is in a room with two beds. Ok, so you know the bed, pills, and feathers are his connection to Hobi. But, do you see how Jimin is holding out his hand like he wants someone to hold it. Maybe Hobi is there, but he is a ghost... because he's dead. But Jimin's dead so Hobi must be separated into another realm.

When Jimin is dancing on that bed, in the background outside of the room... its just darkness. Like in Jungkook's video how it was just darkness surrounding him and his bed.

Ok... the him in water and then that creepy flash to the burning piano (omg that's what was in Jungkook's eye!! A burning piano!)

Then the apple... and them trees... why am I getting 'Twilight' flashbacks... umm, ok, ignore that. I'm also feeling a bit of the Snow White storyline too. OMG OMG ok... I'm just thinking of this as I'm writing but what if this does have a connection to Snow White. You know how Hobi collapses and maybe he isn't fully dead but in a deep sleep that he can't wake up from, so its pretty much like being dead. So Jimin knows about the Snow White fairytale and he wants to join Hobi in the same realm so he eats the (poisoned) apple.

But of course he died in a different way, demonstrated through the bathtub. He drowns in it and now he has awoken in this realm. OMG AND YOU KNOW HOW JUST BEFORE KOOKIE WAKES UP, THERE IS THAT SOUND OF THE CAR CRASH???? It's like each of their deaths are causing them to wake up in this different realm.

So that shows how Jimin got there and now he's in that room with that camera and scenery painting. Then that creepy thing with the apple happens. Ok... i think they are trying to give a creepy feel because they are in this state of death.. Maybe Jin's won't be so creepy (I like the creepiness though). Lol... idk. I want a break. Istg if they drop the next one tomorrow at like 2am in the morning... I will scream. 

Edit: Ok, I just read someone else's theories and its so good. You must read it, it includes translations and everything and it goes into a lot of depth. I know it's long, but its still worth the read. http:// (take away the space) 

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