28 Reasons to Ship Yoonseok

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I used to be a hardcore Yoonmin shipper (ok, I still am, tbh)... trust me, it is a very cute ship. The insults, the skinship, the push and pull kind of relationship that made me believe it. Then I was opened to the world of Yoonseok, and there was no turning back. These are the reasons why Yoonseok is canon:

1. They made up their own shipping name... Suga Hope... Sobi for short.

2. Yoongi says that he can recognise Hobi by the way he breaths. 

Suga - "Not long ago, I went to the bathroom and someone sighed. It wasn't even a sigh, it was like taking a breath. So I went "J-Hope?" and it was J-Hope *laughs*"

3. They were roommates in Hong Kong and Yoongi protected Hobi from all harm.

4. Yoongi surprised Hobi at the dorm when they were trainees because Hobi was feeling lonely.

5. Yoongi drove Hobi to the hospital when he had stress-induced enteritis.

6. Yoongi remembers the EXACT date that Hobi joined BTS.

7. Hobi knows ALL the colours of Yoongi's underwear.

8. Yoongi's QUOTE to Hobi "Whenever I'm sad, I gain strength from looking at you"

9. Yoongi supports and comforts Hobi whenever he is terrified... he even started fucking crying when he realised that Hobi had to bungee jump for the V App broadcast, and he knew how hard it was for Hobi because of his fear of heights. He would not stop yelling "Hobi fighting" and cheering for him.

10. Yoongi always pets Hobi, touches his legs, teases, and pokes him. THERE IS SO MUCH SKINSHIP and it just looks so natural and they aren't doing it for the camera. They always seem like they are in their own little world and don't realise they are being filmed.

11. Yoongi gave up spending New Years Eve with his family because Hobi was alone (as all the other members went back home to their families), so he went to the dorms to spend New Years Eve with Hobi so he wouldn't be alone.

Hobi - "Suga called to ask if I was fine. I replied saying that I'm bored because I'm all alone and then after awhile, Suga came to the dormitory with chicken in his hand! I was so touched at the time I fell for him without even realising it. If I was a girl, I would definitely fall in love!"


13. When they were measuring the size of their hands to each other, Hobi enclosed his fingers around Yoongi's hands and held it in that clasp as they smiled happily at each other. (This sounds like a fanfiction, but ITS NOT! It happened at their Halloween event)

14. Suga ranked the members in looks from 1st to 7th and he put Hobi at first (which pissed Jin off, haha).

15. Yoongi said he thinks Hobi's sister is pretty because she looks like Hobi but with long hair.

Suga - "I've seen her several times and she's honestly just Hoseok with long hair so that's why I'm saying she's pretty."

(This isn't even sly.. he is literally saying that Hobi is pretty)

16. Hobi said that eye contact with Yoongi made him forget what he was going to say. (THIS DEFINITELY SOUNDS LIKE HE IS SAYING THAT'S HOW MUCH HE IS IN LOVE WITH HIM)

17. The first time they met... Yoongi was only wearing boxers.

18. They wear matching sweaters

19. Hobi pushed Yoongi onto the bed in their Hotel "Run" video and stroked his leg.

20. They always laugh at each other's jokes and Yoongi acts as if Hobi is the funniest man alive

21. They give each other backwards hugs and always finds an excuse to touch each other. Yoongi doesn't even like PDA, yet he is always touching Hobi... ALWAYS.

22. Yoongi was the first one to notice that Hobi got injured

23. In their trainee days, Hobi said he was dizzy and Yoongi gave up practicing a bit longer to check up on him in the dorms.

Suga - "J-Hope looks bright, likes to joke around but he's pretty delicate. In other words, he can't handle stress very well so that's why I check up on him."

J-Hope - "Suga acts cold but he's a manly man with a warm heart"

24. Fan-ask - "Between member who you gonna choose as a dongsaeng?"

Suga - "J-hope"

Fan-ask - "Why?"

Suga - "because he's nice"

25. Hobi was sleeping on the floor in his trainee days and Yoongi saw him and told him to go sleep in the room.

J-Hope - "On that day, Suga spoke to me first and I can still remember what he said to me. I was sleeping in the living room at night and then Suga said to me "go sleep in the room". I was so happy"

Suga - "He was sleeping with the blanket tucked inside out, he looked pitiful"

26. Suga - "I have always been receiving energy from J-Hope. Being high-spirited is J-Hope's biggest charm"

27. That time when Jimin gave Yoongi and Hobi good food because he felt sorry for them, and Yoongi gave it all to Hobi, stating that he would be full just watching his dongsaeng eat. He sacrificed good food for someone he likes... that's true love.

28. Hobi just happens to have videos of Yoongi dancing on his phone... how often does Yoongi dance outside of performance?  Exactly. Hobi must be really close to Yoongi to have those videos... or maybe he gives him dancing lessons ;)

Edit: My OTP is now Jikook. I came up with a theory that most Jikook shippers also ship Yoonseok, and most Taekook shippers also ship Yoonmin, but both of them ship namjin. 

Then you have the other ships that don't really have a pattern in their secondary ships cause they are always different. 

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