Instagram Photos and Teaser Pics

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A/N: Oh how I wish the gif thing worked, especially for this one. I don't know how to add more than one picture at the top either, so I chose the most important picture to show you... even though they were all important. Maybe read this one again when the multimedia shit works. 

From the Teaser pictures, it was already clear that Jin was the odd one out. Everyone else is smiling and doing fun activities... then there is Jin, who looks serious and is holding a jar of pills.

This adds to the speculation on how Jin is trapped inside a mental institution, and the rest are free to do as they please in the afterlife.

Even on their instagram... there first video releases were individual shots of the boys (omg all of these killed me, and Jin and Jimin in chokers was not ok, because I had a heart attack and died), and they were all smiling... all except Jin. (Can I just say Yoongi's lip bite did unspeakable things to me).

In their street photos where they are all colourful, all of their captions are "Je Ne Regrette Rien" which means "I regret nothing". The concept of this is youth and the fun times that come along with it.

Mint Suga has a tattoo of a butterfly on his hand, which I believe could imply that he is the butterfly that Jungkook is chasing in "Nevermind", but I will talk about that more in the "Nevermind" chapter. I'm not sure what "EABY" stands for.

Pink Mon has "Nevermind" tattooed on his hand, and the word "SAVE" on his fingers. I think on his other hand, there is the word "HOPE", and there is definitely a flower.

This specific type of flower looks similar to a Peony flower which is important because in mythology, Paeon was spared from natural human death by getting turned into a peony. "Natural human death" possibly means to die from old age. However, Rapmon is escaping this by taking his own life by blowing up the gas station. Apart of the mythology, if the flower dries up or has a miserable colour, a disaster will come to the family, and what colour is Rapmon's tattoo? It's grey. :'(

Also, the original flower is pink, and Namjoon's hair is.... PINK. (Although I think the real reason behind his hair is to impress Jin... NAMJIN 4 LAIFUUU <3)

Now it's time for that picture that has the fandom quoting the bible. *Let's have a moment of silence here*

I made this the first picture at the top of this page. Scroll up and look. Look closely... closer... Look at Jin's feet... Look at everyone else's feet.


Now here comes the bible part. In Dan. 10:6, Rev. 1:15, there is a quote "In heaven no one wears shoes, for all the ground there is holy to God", which expresses how Jin is the only one alive, and how everyone else is dead in the afterlife.

The instagram caption for all these photos is "Papillon" which means "Butterfly" in French. Jin is the only one seen with a real butterfly, indicating that he is still in the physical world with other physical entities.

Have you seen BTS' poster? Right down the middle there is a binary code.

If you change the binary values of "11000110" to a decimal value, you get "198". If you add all the numbers of the birthdays of the members who are possibly dead (so everyone other than Jin):

1+9+9+3+3+9+1+9+9+4+2+1+8.... (etc)

You'll get 198 as well.


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