First Love

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I WAS WRONG ABOUT IT BEING VOCAL LINE! I full on expected Jin to be in this one but then I saw the back of Yoongi's head and was like "ITS YOONGI????"

As soon as I saw Yoongi, I knew this was gonna be Sugakookie sub plot related... and it was.

First of all, the title "First Love"... Jungkook was Yoongi's first love before he died and this video is basically all about how Yoongi lost his other half. This is emphasised by Rapmon's quote from "Demian": "There are numerous ways in which God can make us lonely and lead us to ourselves. This is the way it dealt with me at the time"

Yoongi has been made lonely, out of circumstances, without Jungkook and this is his first step to finding what he is without his other half. There was quite a bit of codependency when it came to them. They were never seen separate and when they did separate in Run and INU... their worlds were crumbling.

So Yoongi is walking towards this store and I noticed something on the window:

So Yoongi is walking towards this store and I noticed something on the window:

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Seem familiar? It's the Pink Floyd album cover that the scene with Yoongi and hooded guy in "Fire" was based off of

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Seem familiar? It's the Pink Floyd album cover that the scene with Yoongi and hooded guy in "Fire" was based off of.

He walks in and the fire alarm is going off, but there is no fire so he ignores it. (Bad Move, Yoongi). I truly think this was a desperate message from his guardian angel trying to save Yoongi because they know what is going to happen. It can also be a parallel to that flash of red we see on Yoongi's face, like a siren, in INU when he looks out the window.

Then he starts playing the piano in that tune... that whistle tune we've been hearing in the other videos.

Then he hears the whistle. You know the saying "a little birdie told me..."? The whistle that Yoongi hears connects with the whistle in Jungkook's video. It's like their souls are entwined and Yoongi just has a gut instinct that something is wrong with his soulmate. Besides, Jungkook basically becomes a bird in his own video so he's sending a message to Yoongi. Jungkook is trying to save Yoongi because he ignored the first warning of the fire alarm, so he's luring him out with the tune in order to save him from the impending accident. He knew what was going to happen, not because he was dead, that comes later when the car kills someone, but because he had a dream. Remember in the first Wings video just before Jungkook woke up, you hear the car crash against glass and you see the burning piano... its like he had a vision of his soulmate and now he's trying to telekinetically send him a warning... I'm not saying he's a superhuman... I'm just saying because Yoongi and Jungkook are so close and bonded, they could do that sort of thing (in this storyline).

Next, he's on a road and that car comes and looks like its about to hit him but it doesn't. It hits someone else... Jungkook (INU reference). Yoongi sees this because when your other half dies.. You get this gut feeling something is really wrong. Also... before the car hits Jungkook, you see Yoongi in a shot that looks very familiar to "Young Forever" where the road is both under his feet and above upside down. This is like saying he can see the parallel world where Jungkook is and so he witnesses the accident (in his soul).

 This is like saying he can see the parallel world where Jungkook is and so he witnesses the accident (in his soul)

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NOTE THIS PERSON'S TWEET!! Golden J is a genius because it is NOT a coincidence. Bighit knows about the importance of timing.

Jimin's bath confused me.. Ok, I know Yoonmin is real in real life (let me dream) but we are in the middle of sugakookie sub plot.. Stop confusing me. Also in Jimin's video, you see the burning piano as well. AND THEN AT THE END... YOONGI'S CIRCLE JOINS WITH JIMIN'S!!!

I feel like this is what happened:

Yoongi: People are going to start thinking I'm in love with Jungkook and I want Jimin to know I love him.

BangPD: Yoongi, sugakookie is the sub plot of our concept. It's just a story, it's not real life.

Yoongi: Does it look like I give a shit? I want symbols of my boyfriend in my video

Jimin: Hyung, it's ok. I understand its just a concept. I know you love me.

Yoongi: Jiminie-ahh... they are going to join my circle with Jungkook's

Jimin (to Bang PD): umm yeah... wtf

Yoongi (to Bang PD): See, now you just upset my baby sunshine.

Bang PD: Guys... this isn't-

Yoongi: change it or I'll stop producing that track you really like in the new album

Bang PD: FINE fuck!! You're circle can be joined with Jimin's.. Throw the bathtub in there too.. I'm so done with you boys

Jimin: YAYY

Yoongi: *kisses Jimin* I love you

Jungkook: I'm cut

Ok, where was I? I got really distracted by my Yoonmin-wired brain. So the car crashes into the shop and the piano alights on fire. Then he hears the whistle again... its like saying "I saved you.. I'm here for you even if you feel alone".

The fire is also how Yoongi dies... OMG.. what if this near death accident is what inspired his method of death?

He finds out Jungkook is dead and he goes "oh it should have been me to die" or he feels really distraught because he can't continue life without his love so he remembers when Jungkook's guardian angel saved him... (I'm thinking Jungkook sent his guardian angel for him to look out for Yoongi... there are a lot of quotes and references back to religion so I don't doubt guardian angels are a possibility) and he tries to restore the earthly balance of life and death if he feels as if he cheated death... so he kills himself in the way he thought he should have died... by lighting himself on fire (in INU).

Then the circle shit happens.

There aren't just 4 videos... I still think the last circle is for Jin and everyone else with pair up with someone else's circle. Since they fucked us over and didn't put it in the pairings circle... what if they are all like that. So Hobi is with Tae, and Joonie is with Kook. idk anymore...

I hope they give us a break now.. I don't know if I can take any more consecutive days of this. 

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