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Can I just say that Yoongi slayed this so hard!!! DAMN BOY, why must you kill me all the time?

So many butterflies in this video... mai gahhdd!!

Ok ok, I'll stop commenting... down to the theories.

The main guy in this video is speculated to be Jungkook, which makes sense because Jungkook's eye is in the video, and the aesthetic of the figure is very close to Jungkook.

So Jungkook is chasing a mint coloured butterfly, which I REALLY think is Suga (I mean, what colour is his hair? C'mon guys...). Also, Suga has a tattoo of a butterfly on his hand in the teaser photos. I think this adds to the whole Sugakookie lovers theory (or twin theory, whichever you prefer).

I also think that the moon scene is very important. (At 0:33)

Here's why...

Suga (not so subtly) cosplayed as Jack Frost (I wish I could place the image here) who has a very strong connection with the moon as he looks upon it for guidance.

Also... in the "Prologue", Jungkook does this... oh wait, I can't show you (sorry, I'll stop being passive aggressive towards wattpad, about not releasing the multimedia options when I need them, now). He forms a circle with his hand and looks through it, then the camera shows what he can see, and it looks similar to the moon scene in "Nevermind". His hand makes a moon shape against the water and sky. 

I think the two main people in "Nevermind" are Kookie and Suga, so it is natural that Jungkook would try and search for the moon... because Yoongi is his moon <3

That would also explain Kookie chasing the butterfly, because he is trying to catch Suga. He needs Yoongi in his life to be complete.

Not to mention the song "Clair De Lune" was playing at the beginning of the prologue, which translates to "Light of the Moon"/ "Moonlight".

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