Run Theories: Not Mine

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Everyone other than me seems to believe that Jin is actually the dead one and everyone else is alive after watching "Run". WHICH CHANGES EVERYTHING! I understand why this theory is so popular though, it does make sense. It just makes me feel like everything I know is wrong, so I haven't come to accept this theory. But it does make a lot of sense, so I don't blame you if you choose this theory over the other one. I just personally don't think it matches up with all the symbolism and evidence within the music videos.

So the theory is that in "INU" Jin is in the process of dying and he is letting his friends go, represented by placing the six lilly petals on the ground. The other members are completely distraught by Jin's death that they are suicidal, except V who is murderous. None of the members actually die, they just attempt suicide. (J-Hope opens his eyes in this MV, so this could be legit).

In the "Prologue", it shows Jin's happy memories with his friends flashing before his eyes.

(Tbh I'm sorry, but there is too much symbolism for it to be this simple, so this part of the theory doesn't hold up for me).

"Run" is the video that shows all the other members acting out in their distraughtness over their friend, Jin, dying. Now "Run" is the only MV in which I actually believe this theory can hold up and has legit qualities. When all the boys are running through the tunnel while Jin is in the car, when they all finally get in the car, there is only 5 people in the back. Why? Because if Jin really is dead, someone needs to drive... so Rapmon is driving the car seeing as he is not in the back. Also, it seems like in the MV, Jungkook is the only one that seems to accept Jin's death and he tries to make Suga understand, but Suga wouldn't listen, and he lashes out and breaks everything. Jungkook reflects over everything that has been happening, shown on his contemplative look when he is sitting on the ground when he is imagining all his friends (minus Jin) partying in the room.

People say that the scene where V is spray painting an X on Jin's body means that he is not alive with them, and Jin disappearing from the polaroid means that he is dead. Also, when Jimin is burning the photo, he is trying to burn away the memories because he misses Jin too much.

(However, I think this could work for Jin being the only one alive too. He couldn't be in a picture full of dead people if he was alive).

Ok guys, I'm sorry. I need to rebuttal this theory (which is what I've kinda been doing in brackets this whole time because I can't hold back). When Jin was building the house of cards, there are six upright triangles bonded together.

This is until V knocks the house of cards over, symbolising the collapse of the dead six members' lives.

I either believe the 'Jin is alive and everyone else is dead' theory or the 'Peter Pan' theory.

There is another theory that each member represents the different stages of grief. This theory's credit goes to "taetaetown" on tumblr.

Jimin = Shock and Denial

He burns the memories (the photographs) and tries to drown himself, escaping from his reality.

J-Hope = Pain and Guilt

He tries to escape the pain by overdosing, and he has those constant mirror stares.

V = Anger and Bargaining

His anger caused him to stab and kill his father.

Suga = Anger, Depression

He fights with Kookie and he tries to burn himself alive

Jungkook = Beginnings of Acceptance

Seems contemplative in "Run" and beginning to accept things as they are

Rapmon = Getting Through Life Again

Seems to be active and fighting through life

Jin = Hope

He is the light, the guardian angel...

Also, there is a theory that the MV for "Run" is 7 minutes long because that's how long it takes for your brain to stop working when you die, causing your life to flash before your eyes.


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