Love Is Not Over

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The song "Love is Not Over" is played in reverse in the campfire scene in the "prologue". So naturally, ARMY have reversed the whole song and therefore caused major discoveries.

Scroll up on this page (yes... this wattpad story page) until you see the media section. There should be a video, listen to it. Warning... it is creepy and it may make you cry and stop you from being able to sleep.

At 0:15 - 0:33, Jungkook is singing "sarangiran apeugo apeun geo" which means "love is so painful". That means the original version has this part reversed, and the producers did it on purpose.

But that is not the creepy part yet...

You can hear the boys singing "jebal" which means "help", and then you explicitly hear them sing "help", "help us", and "help me miss" throughout the song. It is most prominent and hard to miss when Jimin does it at 1:33 - 1:38.


Well, they can't be ok, because they are all dead now, except Jin.

Maybe this was the song that was meant for before they all died, and because many of them were heartbroken before death, they are asking for "help" in order to be saved. They want to be free, but they are trapped in this time loop that is not allowing them to move on. Jin is trying to reverse time in order to be with his friends again, back to a time when they were all happy and together. 

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