Chapter 37

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Hello! So you know how I said, back in like early chapter 20 something, I said that the story was coming to an end soon??? And then it's been a few months??? And over 10 more chapters??? Yeah, well it's finally/officially coming to an end, like I'm aiming for chapter 40! And then I will be done for good with this story! That's how close we are now! But hey, you can't get mad! I promised that I would stall as long as I could with this story, and I have! But now it's time to face a little bit of reality . . . the story will soon be over! So anyway, I would like to dedicate this chapter to Jovie_23! She's a new follower! The rest of you people should follower her choice to! You know, the following me thing. Hehe, just kidding you can if you want to! And if you follow me, I will follow you back! I'm always going to be willing to follow my followers back! Cause you guys are so cool! Anyway, love you Jovie_23! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Natsu

"NO!" I screamed as I stood up from my chair. And looked around the room until I was looking at Lucy sleeping peacefully.

'Let have just been a dream. A real dream.'

Then the door bursted open with Gajeel first followed by Levy, Erza, Juvia, Gray, and a bunch of other people.

"What's going on?" Gajeel said as he walked through the door. Before I could say anything Lucy started screaming in pain, gasping for air, and started shaking like she was having a seizure.

"Lucy!" I yelled at her trying to keep her still. "Come on Lucy, fight it!"

"Natsu! What in the hell is going on?" Erza yelled at me as her and everyone started to help by holding Lucy down to the bed.

"She's fighting her last battle against the darkness." I heard a voice come from behind me by the door.

"Kiara?" Everyone said. She was wearing a black coat, white tank top, purple shorts, black mid-thigh socks, and black boots.

"The one and only." She said gesturing to her body.

"Where the hell have you been?" I asked her.

"I've been dealing with the Magic Council." She said and I looked at her questionably. "I can explain later. Now Natsu, what happened in your little dream with Lucy exactly?"

"'Dream with Lucy'?" Levy asked. I felt my cheeks warm up a little when Kiara asked me that.

"Natsu." Kiara said as she walked around eveyone to stand next to Lucy and held her head down. "Right now I need you to pay attention to me and answer my questions."

"Okay." I said.

"Now what happened in your dream?" She asked again.

"The darkness found her. And she got trapped in a corner." I said. Kiara gritted her teeth.

"Dammit. Everyone out!" She yelled, and everyone did as they we're told. The only ones left were me, Gajeel, Levy, Juvia, Gray, and Erza who were still holding Lucy down. And Happy who was watching from afar.

"Kiara." I said. "What's going to happen to her?" Kiara stood there silently staring at me, with the expression saying she didn't want to answer. "Kiara?"

"She's fighting the darkness for the last time." She finally answered me. "And when Lucy loses, she will no longer be Lucy."

"What do you mean by that?" Gray asked her.

"If Lucy refuses to let the darkness take control, she will have to fight it to her braking point. And that's what she's doing now." Kiara said. Then all of a sudden Lucy stopped screaming and shaking. Her body was still. In the middle of her chest black started to slowly travel through her veines.

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