Chapter 29

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Hello! So the picture is going to be armor, not saying who's, but you will know it when you read it! And I'm so sorry it's been awhile! I've been thinking about my next story that I'm going to be writing, hopefully! I've been trying to get myself back on track of writing this story but it's really hard! I'm just to excited about my next story! But I promise that I will try my hardest to get back on track, and finish this story!!! It also doesn't help that I've been busy with a lot of other stuff! School, parents, fangirling. . . wait what? Hehehehe, okay I'll addmit I've been reading a new story! And it's really good too, you guys should check it out, its written by Cryptic_Eyes, and it's called "You're Lucy of Fairy Tail"! It's really good so far! And sorry Cryptic_Eyes I'm not dedicating this chapter to you . . . *Sad face* But that's because I have already dedicated a chapter to you! Speaking of dedicating! I would like to dedicate this chapter to anime432_is_life! She's one of my new follower!!! Yeah!!!!! So love you anime432_is_life!!! Love you guys!!! Enjoy the story!!!


POV: Lucy

I flew up and into the clouds right behind Kiara. As I flew higher I could feel the water from the clouds on my skin. I reached my hand forward to grab onto Kiara, right as she passed through a thick cloud, but when I was about to grab a hold of her she dissapeared. I flew through the cloud to find an extremely open area in the clouds.

'Damn it!'

I looked around trying to see any kind of movement. I smelled the air around me, but all I could smell was rain water.

"Come on Kiara!" I called out. "Don't hide from little old me! I won't hurt you! Much."

"You would like that wouldn't you?" Kiara's voice echoed, from what seemed to sound like all the clouds around me. "But I think I'll stay where I am. And if you want me, come and get me."

"Challenge excepted." I said. "Pure Universe Fire Dragon: Roar!" I yelled and turned my head and body to where I was completely surrounded by fire. I stopped spewing fire and looked around at the new space that I had just created in the clouds. And there she was with her arms in front of her to protect her face from my flames. "Found you."

"Shit!" Kiara said as she tried to fly away but I swung my arm at her and hit her legs to were she went tumbling through the air. After a few moments Kiara was finally able to steady herself. "Pure Universe Dark Soul Requip: Dragon Ruler!" (Outfit in the Media, I'm not going to describe it because I don't know how to put it in words. . . sorry. And everything red is a purple that matches her hair. You can pick the shade.) And in her hand there was a large scythe.

"You think that's going to help you?" I asked, amused.

"Doesn't hurt to try!" She said frustrated.

"Oh yes! It will hurt!" I said smiling. "It will hurt you!" Kiara smiled.

"I guess we'll see." Kiara said holding her sythe up.

'Loke! Can you hear me?'

I thought trying to reach to my spirit.

'Yeah what the hell! How are you doing this?'

'Telepathically. Obviously.'

'Yeah but through different worlds? Are you that powerful now?'

'Guess so. Anyways listen, I need you to do me a favor. Even though your not going to like it.'

'Does it have something to do with me helping you?'

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