Chapter 5

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Hi guys! Chapter five! Wahoo! I was able to get this chapter done pretty quick, thank goodness! And hopefully I will be able to update one more time before the holidays! Don't know for sure, but cross your fingers. I got the next chapter pretty planned out already but I just have to have the time to type it out. Anyway, I would like to dedicate this chapter to TheWorthlessGirl! She was my first friend when I moved to my new school and has always been my friend since. We might not talk all the time like we used to, but she's still special to me. She might not know how much I will be there for her, but I love her anyway! So thank you guys! Thank you TheWorthlessGirl! Love you guys, enjoy the chapter!


POV: Natsu

"Natsu! Don't! Even! Think! About! It!" Lucy yelled at me. She looked over at me and I gave her a big smile.

"To late!" I yelled as I ran for a food booth. I felt a light tug on my scarf from Lucy. But then I didn't feel it anymore.

'She probably decided to follow me. She might be hungry too.'

I stopped in front of a food booth and looked at the different choices. I then felt as if something was wrong.

"Natsu!" I heard Lucy yell. Now something was defiantly wrong, she didn't sound annoyed or mad. But in pain. I turned to look for her. But I didn't see her. Until I saw a flash of her blonde hair towards the ground. I looked down as I saw Lucy with tears in her eyes as she got kicked and stepped on by all the people that we're walking by.

"Lucy!" I yelled as I ran for her. But was pushed and shoved this way and that. "Happy! Grab Lucy!"

"Aye!" He said trying to find an opening in the large crowd of people. I was pushing my way as best as I could. "Natsu! I can't get in there!"

"Keep trying!" I yelled back. But out of nowhere someone kicked Lucy in the face, hard enough that I watched blood go flying. "Lucy!" She looked up at me and tried to reach out for me.

"Natsu." She whispered, I was the only one that could hear her. Then her eyes rolled to the back of her head and fell face first to the ground.

"Lucy!" I pushed everyone out of the way until I finally reached Lucy. I fell to my knees next to her. She had bad cuts, bruises, and blood covering her body. I picked her up and started running towards the motel. I spotted Gajeel and the other outside it. "Gajeel!" I yelled and was able to get his attention, because of his Dragon hearing. He spotted me and looked at me with confusion. He then saw that I was holding Lucy in my arms. He got the others attention.

"What happened?" Levy called as I ran in front of them. They all stared at Lucy in shock.

"I'll explain later! We need to get Lucy healing now!" I said the others nodded and we ran into the motel up to our rooms.

"In here!" Levy said opening one of the doors. I walked in and laid Lucy gently on the couch.

"Juvia can you clean her wounds?" Gray asked.

"Anything for my beloved." Juvia said nodding and kneeled down next to Lucy and used her water to start cleaning Lucy's wounds.

"Natsu, explain! Now!" Erza said.

"I went to walk across the street to get food, and Lucy must have tripped behind me. I didn't know until I heard her call for me. And when I turned around, she was being trampled." I said moving out of the way.

"Levy will you go grab some bandages so we can get Lucy's wounds wrapped up." Erza asked and Levy left the room. She came back with some different bandages.

"Nobody even stopped to help bunny girl?" Gajeel asked I shook my head. "Well. People can be assholes." He said sitting in one of the chairs in the room.

"Juvia is done cleaning Lucy's wounds." Juvia announced. She then got out of the way so Levy could put the bandages on Lucy.

"Could you boys please leave the room." Levy demanded.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because Lucy has wounds that are under her shirt." Levy explained to us and me, Happy, Gray, and Gajeel walked out of the room, without any fuss.

"Man that had to hurt." Gajeel said crossing his arms and leaned against the wall.

"No shit. Did you see how bad those bruises were. In mean we've all had worse but just from being ran over in the street." Gray said, while putting his hands on his pockets and leaned against the wall.

"Yeah. I wonder if she's going to be able to keep going on the job." Happy wondered aloud as I slid down the wall to sit on the floor. A few minutes of silence went by and Erza, Levy and Juvia walked out and carefully closed the door behind them.

"Lucy's going to be alright." Levy said, smiling. "Sore. But alright."

"We were about to head to the market to get the things we'll need for tomorrow." Erza said. "You want to go to Natsu?"

"No. I think I'm going to stay here." I answered. Erza looked at me in surprise. But then smiled.

"Understand. Happy would you like to go?" Erza asked. Happy looked at Erza then at me.

"You can go if you want to Happy." I said standing up. He nodded.

"Aye sir." Happy said. Everyone started heading down the hallway to the stairs. "Are you going to be alright Natsu?"

"Yeah I'll be fine." I said patting Happy on the head right before he starting to fly down the hallway behind the others.

"Don't disturb Lucy!" Erza called as they went down the steps. I walked into the room and closed the door gently. I walked over to a couch and crouched down to eye level with sleeping Lucy. I grabbed her right hand and looked at her pink Fairy Tail mark.

"I'm sorry Lucy." I mumbled to myself. "It's my fault you got hurt."

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