Chapter 22

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Hi! So guys as you can see I have change the story title! I had it all planned out in my head when I started this and then I got better ideas and now I didn't think the "You're Coming Home" really belongs to it anymore! So I really wanted to change it to something else! And I believe it suits this story better! Yeah so I would like to dedicate this chapter to ChiSatO1! She is a very good author! So far I've only been able to read one of her books, but it is very good! I highly suggest "Light Wars"! And I look forward to reading more! Love you ChiSatO1! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Lucy

I woke up to what felt like a nightmare. I was back in the water. The Sea of the Forgotten.

'That roar! It was Natsu!'

I looked around able to move my body in the water freely.

'Wait! Kiara! Kiara are you still there?'

I waited for a minute but I didn't get an answer.

'Kiara? Please? Are you still here?'

She still didn't answer.

'Did she give me her Pure Universe Dragon Slayer Magic?'


Flash Back:

'Lucy! Do you want me to do this?'

The evil part of Kiara picked me up by the throat with one hand and held a knife with the other.

"I'm really going to enjoy this!" She said as she pulled her arm back. And it felt as if everything went in slow motion as Kiara went to stab me.


The good part of Kiara yelled.


I screamed in my mind, right before Kiara's knife made contact with my body. And everything froze, until there was a wave of magic so strong, that it pushed Kiara about ten feet away. My body stayed floating in the air as my body lit up. I closed my eyes, excepting the magic flowing from my soul. Then everything went white.


'But then why am I here? What happened after that? Kiara must have grabbed me and put me back in here. I'd got to get out of here! Before it's too late for the guild!'

I started trying to swim upwards, but found that I couldn't move from where I was. I kept trying and trying to swim up to the surface. But I was stuck like I was being held down. I looked down at my feet only to see that there was a chain attached to my ankle.

'Kiara did put me in here again! And this time she's trying to make sure I stay that way! But not if I can help it!'

I reached down and grabbed the chain and started pulling on it, trying to get whatever it was stuck to, to brake. I kept pulling until I had no more energy. I closed my eyes waiting to disappear, along with everything else that has come to the Sea of the Forgotten.

'I'm sorry Natsu, Fairy Tail! I've failed you!'


POV: Natsu

Kiara stood up in shock at what I had just done. So was I but I wasn't going to let her know that I had just surprised myself with what the roar.

"How did you do that?" Kiara asked, taking a step forward.

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