Chapter 16

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Sup guys! New chapter! Yay! So I don't really have anything to say. Except that this is your warning. . . FEELS!!! So many feels!!! Like, holy shit!!! I'm sorry if you don't like feels, but if you don't like it, GET OVER IT!!! Life is full of feels!!! So get used to it!!! Anyway, I'm sorry . . . so I would like to dedicate this chapter to truth000! She is an awesome writer!!! Highly suggest "A Dragon's Burning Love"! So yeah. Anyway, love you truth000! Love you guys! Enjoy the Chapter!


POV: Juvia

I woke up to the sound of tapping on my window from the rain falling down. I sat up in bed to see that I was the only one in the bed.

"Gray?" I called into my apartment. There was no answer. Then I saw something out of corner of my eye. It was a note.

'Dear Juvia,

I left to go back to my apartment and clean up. I'll probably be back before you wake up. But just in case. I'll see you then.


I smiled at how thoughtful Gray was. But then frowned remembering what has just happened yesterday.

"Well since Gray is gone, Juvia might as well take a shower." I said as I slowly and carefully made my way to my bathroom. I turned the water on and let it warm up as I took my ruined clothes and threw them in the trash.

'Darn, that was Juvia's favorite dress.'

I then carefully unwrapped the bandage on my leg that had a large blood stain on it, and threw that in the trash too, and hopped into the shower. When I got out I smelled something amazing. I got dressed quickly, in a pink shirt and a black skirt that went down to my knees. As I wobbled out and into my kitchen, I saw Gray putting food on plates.

"Good morning Gray." I said sadly, as I hopped over to the table.

"Morning." He replied, and set a plate of food on the table in front of me.

"Thank you." I said as I started to eat. Once I got about halfway through my meal, when I found myself really just playing with my food instead of eating it.

"Are you okay Juvia?" Gray asked me. I nodded.

"Juvia is sorry. She just isn't much hungry." I said.

"Is what happened to Lucy, bothering you?" He asked. I nodded again. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head no. "Why?"

"Because Juvia feels like if she were to talk about it. That she would cry. And Juvia doesn't want to cry." I explained.

"Well, if you do want to talk about it. I'm here for you." Gray said standing up and took my plate from me and set it in the sink. I got up and went behind Gray as he washed the dishes and I hugged him from behind.

"Thank you." I said as a tear fell from my eye. Gray turned around and returned the hug.

"Do you have any bandages?" Gray asked me. I nodded and when we pulled apart Gray put his hands on my hips, and my face started to burn up. He lifted me into my kitchen counter.

"Gray w-what are you doing?" I asked getting nervous. He walked away towards my bathroom and came back with some bandages.

"You're going to want to keep that dry." He said pointing to the cut on my leg. "When I left earlier it started to rain, and it was still raining on my way back." He started wrapping it up at my ankle.

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