Chapter 35

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After everyone arrived lunch was served, and let me tell you something, it was delicious! Martijn sat next to my brother and I, he was in between us. Awkward...

Something has kind of been bothering me though. One of my girl cousins on my dad's side has been staring at Martijn. I never really liked her though. She's a year older than me. Perfect body. Naturally blonde hair. Bright blue eyes. Tall. Her name is Savannah.

I have this really close cousin, her name is Penny. She's half Indian and half Dutch as well. We almost have the same features. She's from my dad's side as well. We're super close.

Penny is just waiting for me to dish everything out to her and explain why Martin Garrix is sat at our table, but she's going to have to wait for a little bit.

Let me tell you more about Savannah. She's one of those girls who thinks that every guy is interested in her and is chasing her. She has to maintain that 'perfect body'. She has a fake tan, and a shit load of make up on her face. Her hair has to be perfect as well, so I guess you can say she was one of the 'popular girls' in school. Oh, and she's not a virgin.

We went to this party together 2 years ago. I was with Sean then. I had no idea she was going to be there. We were having a good time and then I felt sick so I needed to go to the bathroom. The thumping of the music was giving me a headache.

I got lost on the way to the bathroom because I've never been in this house before. I opened a door and there I saw her riding this guy. I think his name is Jack, I'm not too sure. She didn't see me so I just closed the door and left.

Lunch was going so good, it was basically a mix of both of our cultures' food. The soup was really good. Like really good. Martijn turned his body to face me a bit.

Since he was at the end of the table and it was my brother next to me and he basically already knows something is going on with us. Shit! I was supposed to ask my brother. I turn to him quickly and nudge his arm.

"Yeah ?" He raises an eyebrow and looks at me, his spoon halfway to his mouth.

"You're fine with Martin and I ?" I whisper to him softly.

"Yeah I guess so, he's nice. " he says and goes back to eating.

I look at Martijn and give him the smile knowing everything is fine now. I rest my hand on my knee under the table cloth and start tapping a beat.

"Roseanne ?" I hear and look at my aunt (Savannah's mom).

"Yes ?" I reply back.

"How've you been ?" She asks me.

"I've been alright, what about you ? I heard there was a storm in the area that you live in. " I say, trying to make some conversation.

"Oh yes! That storm! It was thundering all night long, I never got a wink of sleep dear. " she said.

As she went on about it Martijn sneakily grabs my hand and holds it. I smile instantly creeps on to my face. I look at him and he's smirking. I do a little eye roll and go back to eating my salad with my other hand.

His thumb is stroking my hand gently. He's sipping on his water, not acting suspicious. I turn my leg to face his and put my foot behind his leg.

My mom disturbed my conversation and asked me to help her bring the jelly to the table. We made 3 different types.

"Which one to do you wanna take ?" She asked me.

"I'll carry the red and purple one. " I say and put the two large bowls onto my hand.

"So, you do know that you two make a cute couple right ?" She giggles.

"What ?! How do you know ??" I ask her super shocked and a little scared.

"I didn't, I just assumed. But I do know now! " she winked.

"So... You're fine with it ? With me and him dating ?" I ask her, just worried.

"Yes. I'm fine with it honey. Just promise you won't do 'it' until you're married. " she said, being serious now.

"Oh come on mom, you know I won't. " I roll my eyes.

"Good, now let's go. " she said.

Martijn and Raj come in with dishes in their hand, they set the soup, salad, curries and other things down on the counter.

"Want some help ?" Martijn asks as he walks next to me.

"Hey, uhm, you two go, we'll be there just now, I just have something to tell Martijn. " I say.

They leave and go to

"Uh, yeah sure. " I reply and he takes the bowl with the purple jelly.

"What is it that you have to tell me now ?" He says smiling.

"My mom knows. " I say.

His face shows shock and surprise. "And... ?" He asks.

"She's okay with it. " I breathe out.

"Yes!" He grabs my waist and kisses my forehead.

We set it down on the table and take our seats once again.

"Hey Martin? Can you pass me the jelly ?" Savannah asked him, batting her eyelashes and flashing him a smile.

"Uh, yeah sure. " he said, he sounded a bit creeped out.

"Hmm, Martin is it ?" Her mom asked him.

"Yeah " he nodded.

"Not to be rude but, why are you here ?" She asked in a polite way.

"Yeah! Why ?" Savannah asked, putting her elbows on the table and smiling.

"Uhmm.." I said and looked over at my mom, she nodded. I looked a Martijn and nodded.

"Rose is my girlfriend. " he smiled and looked at me and then back at them.

"What ?!" Said Savannah.

"Yeah, she has been for the past month or so. " he squeezed my hand.

I look over to Penny and she's wiggling her eyebrows at me.

Well, now the family knows.

I'm A Mess // M. G.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن