Chapter 21

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I woke up before Martijn. It is now 12:32 A.M.  I didn't know whether to go back to sleep or stay awake. I looked over at him and he seemed absolutely knocked out so I decided to go back to sleep.

I let go of his arm and turned around, my back now facing him. I feel so restless now.

About twenty minutes later Martijn stirred a little and moved his arm, patting the pillows as if in search of something.

His arm bumped me and he sighed. He rolled over and propped himself up on his arm.

"Rose ?" He whispered.

"Yeah. " I answered.

"What are you doing up babe ?" He asked me and moved closer to me.

"I don't know. I just can't sleep. " I said to him.

"Wanna make a late night snack or something ?" He asked.

"Yeah. Okay. " I replied.

He got up and pulled me with him. We walked into the kitchen and I was kinda sleepy but I just couldn't sleep.

"What do you want to make babe ?" He asked, his voice raspy from sleeping. It made my heart flutter.

"How about," I paused for a moment whilst thinking, "chocolate chip cookies ?" I ask him, smiling.

"Anything for you. " he pecked my cheek.

We found the ingredients together.

"Alright, I don't know how to make this without egg so please tell me what we're missing here. " he admitted to me.

"Vinegar. Just a little bit, that's the substitute for egg, even in cakes. " I explained to him.

As we were making the cookies he put some music on to lighten the mood and make it more fun. He was doing some funny dance and that made me laugh so hard, I had stomach cramps.

"Okay, you mix up that batter till it's good and I'll put away the ingredients. " he instructed me.

"Yes sir. " I saluted him and he just laughed.

I started to mix the batter, making it nice and smooth.

"Your morning voice is really-" I got cut off because flour went on the side of my face.

"What were you saying love ?" He said, stifling and laugh and smile.

"Cute. Your morning voice is really cute. " I huffed.

"I'm going to go clean myself up. When I get back I expect the cookies to be baking in the oven and then kitchen spotless. " I told him with a straight face as I walked out.

"Yes mam!" He called.

I didn't feel like going all the way upstairs so I just used the bathroom downstairs to wash my face.

I got out and as I was walking back to the kitchen I saw something outside the window. It was a man, and he definitely was not a cop. He had a rifle and was dressed in full black with a ski mask on.

I gasped and waited for him to go past the window so that he didn't see me.

I sprinted to the kitchen.

"Martin!" I whispered.

"What ?" He asked, laughing at the tone I was speaking in.

"Sssshh. Come here and put the kitchen light off please. " I told him.

He did as I said, giving me a weird look.

"There's a guy outside the house. He's not a cop. I saw him when I was coming back from the bathroom. He was outside a window. He has a rifle and a ski mask on. He's in full black. " I explained what's going on to him.

"Okay. Stay calm. I'm going to alert my security team and have them call the cops. " he hushed me.

"Come on, let's go upstairs. " he said in a low voice.

We passed the lounge as we were going and I stopped him. I saw two figures outside the window. We could see their shadows from the curtains.

One figure was creeping up on the other. He knocked the other one out with the bottom of his gun.

"I need to see. " I told him and let go of his arm going to the lounge.

"What !? No. Are you crazy ? What if they see you ?" He whispered very harshly, trying his best to be quiet.

"They won't. I'm small and quiet. Trust me. " I said to him.

He just nodded and stood there watching over me.

I crouched and walked into the lounge. I went to the curtain and took a peep. I sucked in a breath. It was the guy I saw outside the window before. He knocked out the cop.

I went back to Martijn.

"It's the guy. He knocked out the cop. " I informed him.

He put his arm around my waist and guided me up the stairs.

"It's okay. Let's go. " he said as we climbed the stairs.

We went to his room and sat on the bed.

"Who do you think that is ?" He asked.

"I don't know. It could be a guy from the gang or a robber. Then again, if a robber saw a house surrounded by police officers I don't think they would rob that house. " I said.

"Yeah. Either way, I'm not gonna let them hurt you. I promise. My security team notified me that they have told the cops. They're on their way here right now. " he said.

He pulled me closer to him.

We heard noise downstairs. Martijn got up and locked the door as quietly as possible. He walked back to me and held a finger to his lips, signaling for me to be quiet.

I nodded.

"Is he down there ?" I whispered to him.

"I think so. " he nodded.

He walked to his side of the bed.

"Please don't be afraid or think this is weird. I only have this here for protection. I promise. " he said.

He knelt down beside his bed and took out a shoe box. He set it on the bed. Inside it was a knife and a gun...

"Take the knife. "He said and handed it over to me.

My head shot into the direction of sound. I hear footsteps. I looked back to Martijn and he nodded his head toward his bathroom.

I got the message. He picked up the gun and put the box back under his bed.

We got into the bathroom and he locked the door. . .

A/N: oh my gosh. I have over 500 reads on this story. That is amazing!! Thank you so much. So what did you think of this chapter ? Ended it with a cliffhanger. What do you think is going to happen next ?

Vote and comment please.

Thanks xx

I'm A Mess // M. G.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu