Chapter 16

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So it turns out I'm officially Martijn's girlfriend. If you asked me if this was going to happen a couple of days ago I would've thought you were just talking crazy.

I don't see or think of Martijn as the world famous DJ anymore. He's a normal guy.
He is extremely talented in his music but he's normal.

I look at him sitting across from me at the table. He's eating his dessert.
His eyes raked the menu for his desired dessert. He finally settled on something to eat, he chose cheesecake while I just had ice cream.

He offers me the last bite of his cake but I politely decline it.

Once we finished eating Martijn asked for the bill.

"Can I pay ? Pretty please ?" I pout at him.

"Nope. " he says, popping the 'p'.

"Please Marty... ? You've already done so much for me and I want to pay you back. You're just not letting me. " I plead him.

"Rosie, there's no way I'm letting you pay. Aren't I such a gentleman ?" He says and looks at me through his eyelashes.

"Well then, uhm... Why don't we split it ?" I offer, looking at him with hopeful eyes.

"Hmm, you're not going to give up are you ?" He sits forward, resting his forearms on the table.

"Not at all. " I sit forward as well.

"So stubborn. I'll let you pay for dessert and that's it. " he mutters.

"Thanks. " I say and give his hand a squeeze.
He doesn't respond.

I fish in my bag for my purse. I find it and take out the money and give it to him.

He resisted to take it at first but soon gave up, seeing there's no point in arguing about it again.

We leave the restaurant and go to his car. He opens the door for me and then goes over to his side.

Hmm, maybe he is a gentleman after all.

Duh. He never lets you do anything. He's paid for everything so far, up until dessert today.

My mind reminds me. I guess she's right.

"So... I see you don't object to me calling you Marty anymore. " I chirp.

He just smiles and sighs, shaking his head and looks out his window for a second.

"Seriously though, please get your license. I don't like the thought of being driven around by someone who doesn't have their drivers license. " I say to him.

"Fine... If it's really that.. Important to you, I'll go. " he replied.

"Thank you. " I smile at him.

Soon enough and we're home. We go inside and my brother is in his room, going over some work and my mom is in her room, just reading.

"Looks like we got back at a good time. It's 21:30. " Martin points out.

"Oh yeah. Well, maybe we could have a movie night or something ?" I suggest. I throw my phone on the couch.

"That sounds good. " he replies. He leaves his phone on the table.

I tell him to find a good movie after he changes while I get changed into something more comfortable.

"Hey mom!" I pop my head into my mom's room.

"Hey sweetie, how was dinner ?" She asks me with a smile on her face as she wiggles her eyebrows.

"It was wonderful actually. " I smiled and looked at the floor. 

"That's good. " She puts a finger on the page where she stopped reading so that she wouldn't lose it.

"Well, we're actually just going to be downstairs tonight. We're gonna have a movie night so... Try not to disturb. " I say to her, she knows I mean not to be rude or anything. She gets it.

"Aahh. Alright. Well enjoy. " she said.

"You too. Night mom!" I call as I close her door.

I go down stairs and I see that Martijn is in dark grey shorts and a white and black striped short sleeved shirt.

"So what are we watching tonight Garritsen ?" I question him as I switch off the light and grab a pillow to hold and sit next to him.

"Paranormal Activity. " he spoke.

I groan next him.

"What ?" He chuckles.

"I get scared alright. " I admit.

"Awww! That's so cute. Don't worry love, I'll protect ya'" he winks.

He picks up his phone and I get a message on mine. I take a look.

Martijn: Look at your pictures.

What on earth is he going on about now ?

I did as he instructed and he put play on the movie.

I burst out laughing at what I'm seeing. This goofball took selfies on my phone when I was speaking to my mom.

"I'm just the best aren't I ?" He stretched out his arms and rested them on the couch. 

"Don't flatter yourself Garrix. You basically just gave me something to blackmail you with. " I smirk.

"Ugh" was all I got.

Half way through the movie and I jumped in my seat. Martin's response was to laugh at me. I glared at him and turned my attention back to the screen. 

He put his arm around me and pulled me close. He pressed a kiss in my hair and just held me like that. 

Every time and scary part came he just held me tight and drew circles on my waist softly with his thumb.

The movie finished and we headed up stairs. We were both at our doors but we were looking at each other, not going in.

"You know, if I have nightmares I'm blaming it on you. " I harshly whispered at him.

"I'll sleep with my arms open for you, if that makes you feel any better. " he whispers back, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Goodnight Martin. " I whispered and went in my room, closing my door.

I get a text from him.

Martijn: so no goodnight kiss ? :(
Me: guess not :p sorry x
Martijn: I'm so lonely now... :-(
Me: I would've cuddled with you but I don't want my family getting any ideas so...
Martijn: okay you got a point but I miss you already... X :-(
Me: you'll see me in the morning Marty xx
Martijn: okay fine. Which side are you sleeping on love ? I need to know which side to face and hold my pillow. ;)
Me: left :p and okay ;) goodnight now Marty. Get some sleep. Xx
Martijn: alright. Night my babe. Sleep well. See you in the morning xxxxxxx

Babe... His babe !

You're happy he called you that.

Yeah. I like the sound of that.

Why wouldn't you ?

I slept with a smile on my face that night. Nice and warm in my cozy bed with thoughts of happiness that I haven't had in a long time.

All thanks to one guy who's changing my life...


A/N : hi! Yeah I wanna thank you guys because on the previous stories I had on here the max reads I got was around 317 and now I got 369!! So thank you!!! It means a lot that you guys like this story.

The photo above is supposed to be one of the goofy selfies that Martin took on Roseanne's phone.

Please vote and comment and share my story or maybe tell your friends. I'm trying to get it more noticed.

Thank you XX - R. ❤️

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