Chapter 27

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I sat and waited in the waiting room along with two other people who appear to be a couple. It's now half past eleven, it's almost midnight.

I feel so guilty and nervous. Guilty because it's my fault that Martijn is hurt and in hospital having who knows what being done to him right now! Nervous because I want him to be okay, I don't want him to have any scars or anything because of me. I just want him to be alright.

I hate it when someone gets hurt because of me. I got so scared when he closed his eyes in the car, I thought he was going to pass out once more.

I need a distraction. The couple whom is sitting across from me are holding their hands and looking down. They as well, seem nervous. I don't know what happened but I'm going to keep to myself.

I get up and go to the little store that the hospital has. I buy myself some water and I buy this cute little teddy for Martijn, to try and make him feel better.

I sit back down and sip on my water. It is now five minutes to twelve and a nurse comes towards the waiting area. All of us look at her. She tells them something in Dutch and they go, probably to visit the person.

She turns to me and says "Mevrouw, u kunt nu uw vriend zien." I didn't really understand what she said but all I could get was that she said friend.

"I'm sorry, I'm not good on speaking Dutch. Can you speak English ?" I hopefully ask her.

"Yes. I said 'Miss, you can now see your friend. '" she smiles at me.

"Thank you, is it okay if I spend the night ?" I ask her.

"Yeah, sure. We'll give you a pillow and a blanket. " she answers.

She guides me to his room which is on the second floor. His ward is empty, except for him. That's good, in a way.

Just before I open the door she stops me.

"Your friend is currently sleeping, he has a concussion. We're going to keep him here for the next two days, just to make sure he's okay. " she explains.

"Okay. " I nod at her.

I open the door and sit down on the chair. I look at him, he looks exhausted. There's a bandage around his head, there's drips going into his arm.

In the chair next to mine is his clothes. They've put in into a plastic bag. I put down his teddy so he's seated next to the bag. I also put my bag down on the chair.

The nurse comes in, keeping quiet and handing me the pillow and blanket. She gives me a smile and mouths the words 'good night'. Well, at least she's a polite nurse.

I feel like putting Martijn's jacket on, I don't think he'd actually mind. I take out the jacket, which was thankfully left at the top of the pile of clothes, as quietly as I could. I had to be careful not to wake him.

Eventually I get it out and I slip it on. I take off my jewelry and put it in my bag. I take out some tissues and wet them with water and try to get off as much make as they could take off and throw them in the bin.

I go back to the chairs, both of them have arm rests so I decide to put the pillow there and I'll squeeze my tiny body in a comfortable position on the chair.

I walk over to him and brush his hair away from his forehead very softly. I bend down and kiss his forehead very lightly. I turn around and face the chairs once again.

I kick off my shoes. I fold my legs and cover them with the blanket. I rest my head on the pillow and look at him.

I only find sleep at 1:00 A.M.

I wake up at 8:13 A.M. and decide that I've had enough sleep. I look at Martijn and he's now facing me, his eyes still closed. He's still sleeping, I leave him be, not wanting to wake him.

I put my shoes back on and stretch out a bit. I walk out the room an go to the store. I don't even have a toothbrush and neither does the store so I decide to just buy some orbit mint gum and chew that for a while.

I do and then buy myself some tea and a little mini pizza. The pizza is square, cut into four little pieces. It has no toppings, just some herbs.

I carry them both upstairs but cross a bin on the way and throw the gum that's in my mouth into it. I go back to his ward and sit down on the chair. The blanket is gone, hmm, maybe they took it.

I sit down and put the pillow on my lap. I leave my tea on the armrest and put the cute little pizza on the pillow. I take a sip of my tea and I burn my tongue. Ow, that is still too hot to drink.

I finish two pieces of my pizza and then try to drink my tea. I look around the room as I sip on it.

"I hope some of that pizza is for me. " I hear a very hoarse voice say.

I nearly choke on my tea as I turn and look at him. He's awake! I set my tea down and move my food aside. I get up go stand next to him.

"Hi... How are you feeling ?" I ask him and take his hand.

"I'm alright, just a bit sore. " he admitted.

"I'm so sorry this happened. " I feel so bad that I almost cry, I get teary but I hold it in.

"Sshh. It's okay babe hey- is that my jacket ?" He smiles.

"Uh. Yeah. I hope you don't mind. " I bit my lip.

"Of course not. " he gave my hand a squeeze.

"Kiss me ?" He pouts. I giggle and lean down to him. Our lips connect and move at the perfect pace. I pull away as I remembered what I got for him.

"I got something for you. " I whispered, my face still inches away from his.

"Hmm, what's that babe ?" He asks with a smile on his face.

I turn around and get the little teddy and give it to him. His smile grows as he reaches out to hold it.

"Aww. Thank you Rosie! Tell me I can leave today ?" He says.

"Sadly you can't Hun, they're keeping you here tomorrow as well but the morning after that we can leave. They're going to let me stay so that's good. You've got a concussion so they just want to make sure that you're okay. " I tell him all the information.

He closes his eyes and groans. I don't blame him, I would feel the same if I had to stay in hospital.

"You know, my sleep broke some time during the night. I saw you but everything was blurry so I wasn't sure whether you were really here or not. " he said.

"I'm going to call the nurse. " I say to him.

"Wait! One more kiss first. " he says and looks at me with puppy dog eyes. I can't say no to those eyes. I lean down and give him a peck and then press the button that calls the nurse.

A/N: writing took my mind off of things so yeah. I updated for you guys. How do you like the twist that the story has taken ?

Vote and comment PLEASE.

Thanks xx

I'm A Mess // M. G.Where stories live. Discover now