Chapter 20

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A/N: so above is what Roseanne sees when she walks into Martijn's lounge. Okay. Enjoy. Xx

Wow. He's just finishing up setting pillows and blankets.

"This is awesome. " I compliment him.

"Thanks. I'm just about done here. " he said and turns around.

"So, what do we play first ?" I ask him and walk forwards towards him.

"Uhmm. How about snakes and ladders ?" He pulls me against him and sets us down on the pillows.

"Haha, okay. " I laughed at him.

I beat him three times in a row now.

"You're cheating. " he pouted and crossed his arms.

"I'm not. How do you cheat on snakes and ladders ? You're watching my every move Martijn. I'm not cheating. You're just bad at the game. " I tell him.

"I'm not playing anymore. " he huffs and pushes the board away from us.

"Awww. " I say as I crawl over to him and lay my chin on his torso looking at him.

I put my feet in the air as I'm laying on my stomach. He playfully glares at me with his beautiful eyes.
I hold his stare and he gives up sighing.

"You should cuddle me you know, to make me feel better. " he smirked.

I laugh at his silliness, using the fact that he's losing as a reason for cuddles. I get up and he props himself up on his elbows, a confused expression on his face.

"I guess you'll have to catch me first." I bit my lip and ran away from him.

I ran down the hallway slipping in to different rooms and finding a way out with him behind me.

"I'm gonna get you babe!" He chuckled.

I ran upstairs and I went into his room. He caught up and he tackled me to the bed.
We're both panting from running so much. He just rests on top of me.

"You're crazy. " he whispered by my ear.

"Yeah, and you're heavy. " I said and muffled my laughs into the pillow.

He got off of me and turned me around so that my front was to him.

"What was that love ?" He said, popping his right eyebrow up at me.

"I said you're heavy. " confidence evident in my voice as I speak.

"Oh, is that so..." He straddled me and placed his elbows by my head, holding my wrists down so I couldn't escape.

"Y-yes. " I stuttered, I got a little distract from the position we're now in.

He shook his head with a cheeky smile and leant down to me. His face just centimeters from mine.

"That didn't sound to convincing actually. " he smirked and I felt his minty breath fan across my face. He didn't give me time to reply.

He crashed his lips to mine. We've never kissed like this before. His soft plump lips working against my own. I felt his tongue run across my bottom lip.

I thought about it for a little while, whether I should let him in. He let go of one of my wrist and brought his hand to my face, cupping it.
I opened my mouth, finally giving his tongue access. I took my hand to his hair and tugged at the ends a little.

A few seconds later we both broke apart, needing air. He rolled off of me and onto the bed.
Before any of us could say anything we were disturbed by the someone knocking on the door.

I went with him downstairs, it could only be a cop. He greeted the cop.

"I just wanted to update you on some news, sorry if I'm interrupting anything or disturbing you. " the officer said before he continued.

"Your mother and brother are fine but the gang has noticed your absence from your home. They're searching for you now. We've sent two cops, undercover of course, to watch over your house. They're in a white van. They're both going to take shifts watching over your house. " he informed me.

"But... Wait, why can't you just keep cops around the house ? That way the gang most probably wouldn't even go close to my house. " I asked the cop, he seemed to be in his early thirties or so.

"We can't because we don't want them to know that you guys are being watched over. We need to stay undercover. If anyone asks why there's security outside of Mr. Garritsen's house we can simply say it's for his a protection. He is a world famous DJ. He can pretty much do what he wants. " the officer explained.

"Okay. You're right. Thank you sir. " I thank him and we bid goodbyes and close the door.

I sigh and walk over to the lounge. I fling myself down on the pillows.

"TV time. " Martijn says.

He switched on the TV and searched for something nice to watch. We began watching The Big Bang Theory.

"I love this show!" I said.

"Me too. It's cool" he replied.

I took my phone out from my pocket as it began vibrating. It's a message from my mom.

Mom: everything alright ? How are you ?
Me: everything is fine. I'm okay. You and Raj ?
Mom: we're fine sweetie, don't worry about us.
Me: you and I both know that I'm going to worry.
Mom: I know. What are you up to ?
Me: Chilling with Martijn. He made this amazing breakfast, then we played snaked and ladders. I felt like a kid again. Lol.
Mom: that's nice. Well, I'm going to go now. Take care, I love you. Oh, and behave !
Me: haha, of course I'll behave, I don't see what I can do. You as well, love you to.

I end our conversation. While I was texting my mom,
Martijn left and came back with ice cream, Oreo biscuits and chocolate syrup.

"Yay!!" I grinned as gave me mine.

I took three Oreos and broke them and put them in my bowl of ice cream along with drizzling it with the chocolate syrup.

We both enjoyed our ice cream as we watched the show.

Martijn, I notice had fallen asleep. We've been watching TV for about an hour. I decided to put the TV off and join him.

I removed the bowl from his grip and placed them on the table. I got back down on the comfy pillows and pulled a quilt over the both of us. I curled up against his arm, holding it and I fell asleep.

Just like that.

A/N: so.... How was that ? I'm pretty nervous about this chapter so your expressing your thoughts in words might help with that.

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