Chapter 12

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We got home and I lead him into my bathroom. I keep a first aid kit there because I'm quite clumsy.

I make him wash his hands and then I take ahold of them. I clean up the cuts and wrap his hand in a bandage.

"Sit here while I go downstairs to get you some ice. " I order him.

"But that's not necessary. " He protests.

"Hush.." I say and put my finger up to my lips.

I leave my room and go downstairs to the kitchen.
I look in the freezer and take out two ice cubes and wrap them in a thin cloth.

I go back upstairs to see Martijn still sitting by my bathroom sink just like how I told him to.

"Just hold this on it to take away some of the pain and make the swelling go down. " I say and hand it to him.

"Thank you Doctor van Hijt. " He smirks.

"You're welcome Mr. Garritsen now shut it and get out of my bathroom. " I laugh at him.

He walks over and just pulls me into a hug.

"What do you want to do now ?" I ask him. My head resting by his chest muscles because I'm short and he's tall.

"We could chill and just search random shit on my laptop. " He offered.

"Yeah, that sounds good. " I agreed.

We headed over to his room, or technically his temporary room. We got on his bed and I went to the cupboard to get a blanket.

I took out my favorite red fluffy blanket.

I brought it over and laid down on the other side of the bed. The laptop was set in the middle of us.
I put the blanket over the both of us and waited for him to get comfortable.

"The password is 'black is life' put it in. " He told me.

I couldn't help but laugh as I did it.

"You're just full of surprises aren't you ?" I giggled.

"I guess I am. " He said and looked up and gave me a goofy smile.

About 20 searches later we're both kinda sick of reading and thinking.

I shut the laptop and lay down next to him.
He picks up the laptop and puts it on the bedside table.

I turn around so that I'm laying on my stomach and hugging the pillow.
I kept one hand next to my face and shut my eyes.

"Nap time, love ?" He smiles.

"Yup. " I groggily reply.

"Hmmph" is the reply the I get.

I feel so cosy and warm. I suddenly feel something touching my leg and I realize that it's Martin's foot.

He puts his foot in between my two legs and pulled one of them closer to him.

A couple of minutes later and he reached for my hand. I sighed and just gave it to him.
He held it close to him and kissed it.

Eventually after that I fell asleep without any disruptions.


"Please be careful!" I shouted over to Martijn who was going to the edge of the mountain to sit down.

"I'll try. " He laughs.

Gosh. He better not be taking this as a joke. If he falls he could either die or get seriously injured!

I'm setting up the tent because it's getting late and there's no way we'll make it back down this mountain in day light.

I got some timber and wood to make a nice fire to keep us warm.
I've been with Martijn for about 2 years now. It's actually our anniversary. He knows I love hiking so that's what we did today.

It's his fault that we got late and started late because he was worrying about his hair and how he looked.
On the way up here he kept on repeating 'the only way is up'.

He's such a weirdo but he's my weirdo.

I'm done so I go sit down next to him.
I wrap my arms around his right arm and rest my head on his shoulder.
He puts his right hand on my left knee and gently strokes it with his thumb.

The sun is setting and I feel the cold coming on. I zipped up my thermal jacket.
I looked at him and he was staring at me.

"What ?" I asked.

"You're just so beautiful... and you're mine. " He smiled and leaned in.

He pressed his lips against mine and pulled me closer. His tongue brushed against my bottom lip asking for entrance.

*end of dream*

I woke up and looked around. Martijn is still sound asleep next to me, holding my hand. The dream... It just all felt so real. I felt like I really had his lips on mine.

I loved how we were just so happy in the moment.

He stirred next to me and turned over, groaning a bit. He let go of my hand and removed his leg. He hunched over and groaned more.

"Martijn ? Are you okay ?" I quietly asked just in case he was still asleep.

"No. " He muffled.

"What's wrong? " I asked him.

"I just have a really bad stomach ache. It just happened. I don't know why. " He groaned again.

"Do you want me to get you a pill or something ?" I offer.

"Yes please, love. " He spoke.

I gave his arm a squeeze and left the room. I went to the kitchen and got him a glass of water and a tablet.

"Is it that time of the month sweetie ?" My mom walks in and asks me.

"Uhm, actually no. Martijn has a tummy ache and he doesn't know why so these are actually for him. " I explained.

"Oh, alright. " She replies.

I head back up the stairs and go to Martijn's room. He's still in the same position as when I left.
His eyes are closed and there's a crease forming between his eyebrows.

"Martijn, I got the tablet for you. " I quietly say and walk over to him.

He sits up slowly and takes it. He rested his back against the headboard.
His head is against the wall and he has his left hand on his toned stomach.

"Is there anything I can do ?" I ask trying to help.

"Just come here and cuddle me. " He said and opens up his left arm.

I climb in and curl up against him. Pressing gentle kisses every now and then on his neck.

"You feeling any better ?" I asked concerned, twenty minutes later.

"A little. Thanks love. " He kisses my cheek.

So we laid like that.

Just next to each other, cuddling.

Just in silence. A very comforting one.

I'm A Mess // M. G.Where stories live. Discover now