Chapter 28

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The nurse came in and told him what's wrong with him (okay , that sounds weird. Nothing is wrong with him mentally). Once the nurse leaves he begs me for the two remaining slices of pizza and I gladly hand them over to him, I'm not a big fan of cheese.

As he eats them I have my tea. I feel better now, warmer as well. I just thought of something. His family! His family needs to see him.

"Do you want to notify your family that you're in hospital?" I ask him, kind of hoping he says yes because I want to meet them.

"No. " he says with a straight face.

"Oh come on! They're your family, they have to know. " I pout.

"Fine. Give me my phone. I'm not letting my dad come though, only my mom and my sister. "He said.

"Aww, why not ?" I ask.

"Don't worry. " he said.

Ugh fine, if he wants to be like that then I'll let him. I look in the plastic bag for his phone. I feel it in the back pocket of his pants. I take it out and give it to him. He puts in his code and goes through his messages that he didn't reply to last night.

"Shit!" He curses.

"What ?" I ask, slightly confused.

"Management. " he sighs.

"Uhm, what about your management ?" I lift my eyebrow.

"They are only giving me two more weeks off. Turns out that someone has booked me to play at an event of theirs. They're in L.A. " he explains.

"So... You're leaving in two weeks ?" I say, kind of bummed out in a way. I did always know that he'd have to leave at some point though so it's not that much of a big deal.

"Sadly. " he frowns.

"Phone your mom. " I whine at him.

"Fine. " he rolls his eyes and finally gets on with it.

He speaks to his mom in Dutch, I hear him tell her the name of the hospital and I can make sense of some words. He lets them know the visiting hours. 11:00-12:00 A.M. , 14:00-15:00 P.M and 18:00-19:00 P.M.

It's already 13:00 P.M. So they can come in the next hour. They've missed the morning visit but it doesn't matter that much, they didn't know about him being here so they can't blame themselves or anything.

"There," he says, throwing his phone onto my lap, "you happy now ?" He asks.

"Very. " I say and flash him a smile.

"Whatever. Come sit here. " he said and moved over a bit so that I can sit down next to him. I oblige and sit by him.

He looks at me for a bit then he takes my hand in his and plays with my fingers. "Can I help you ?" I laugh at him.

"No. I'm good. " he answers.

"How does your head feel ?" I ask him.

"Well, it hurts. " he says. I roll my eyes at his answer, of course it hurts. He got it banged against a book shelf.

"What about your abdomen ?" I ask.

"That's sore but bearable. The stuff that they're giving me through my drips are helping to numb the pain. " he said.

"You happy now ?" He asks me, referring to his mom and sister coming to visit him.

"Yes. Very. " I flash him a smile.

"Well, as long as you're happy. " he says, trying to be sweet and gives me a flirtatious smile.

"I'll be back babe!" I say as I leave the room, grabbing my bag from the chair.

I don't let him reply and I shut the door, I hear him huff and smile to myself.

I go down to the shop again and buy a slab of chocolate and sweets along with a big packet of lightly salted Lays.

I walk back up with my hands full, the nurse walking by sees my struggle to open the door and kindly does it for me.

"Thank you so much. " I mumble, being careful not to drop anything.

Martijn notices the noise and turns towards me. He raises and eyebrow and I just walk over and dump everything on his bed, then I put my bag down on the chair and take a seat myself.

"Uhm, what's all this ?" He asks, motioning to all the tasty treats on his bed.

"Snacks. " I say in a obvious voice.

"How did you buy it ?" He asks, narrowing his eyes a little.

"With my money. " I simply answer.

"Why ?! My wallet is in my jeans pocket which is right next to you!" He scolds and complains.

"I have money to. " I retort.

"Whatever, just come share all of this with me. " he says and moves over so we both have one side of the bed with the treats in the middle.

"You comfortable enough ?" I ask him, just to make sure he's alright.

"Yup. You ?" He asks while opening a packet of skittles. I nod.

Later his mom and sister come and they're absolutely wonderful and so polite. A man walks into the room a few moments later.

"Martijn. " he spoke in a very stern voice.

"Pa. " Martijn answers in the very same tone.

"Leuk zijn om elkaar aub." Said Martijn's mother, meaning :be nice to each other please.

I decide to leave the room and Laura follows. We step outside and stand by the wall.

"Just, like, if you're going to talk to me or something, my Dutch is very bad. " I warn her.

She giggled a bit before saying, "Don't worry, it's fine. " she smiled.

"So, you're Martijn's girl ?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"I'm his friend, yes. " I say, trying to keep things private.

We talked a bit about likes and dislikes before they had to go. After they left it was once again just him and I in the room.

I walk back in and sit down on the bed. "So ?" I ask, playing with his brown locks.

"So nothing. I told my mother to tell him not to come and he came. " he huffed.

"Why are you so against him ?"

A/N: thank you guys so much for your comments, they are much appreciated. Please leave more! And wow!!! 1.45k reads ?! That's amazing! So, why do you think Martijn doesn't like his dad ??

Vote and comment PLEASE.

Thanks xx

I'm A Mess // M. G.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora