Chapter 22

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Martijn held me close to him. He stood next to the door trying to hear of anything. I heard police sirens, that's a good sign. They might not know that the guy is in the house though.

The noises inside the house stopped for a bit, probably because the guy heard the sirens. He ran up the stairs and down the hall.

My breath hitched as I heard the room door jiggling knowing that if he got through, there's only the bathroom door separating us.

He gave up and I think he tried the next room. Martijn could sense I was tense and a bit afraid. He kept me close behind him and drew circles on my waist with his hand, in attempt to calm me down.

I had the knife he gave me clutched so hard in my hand. Once Martijn was sure that he went into the next room he turned around to face me.

He put the gun on the sink and hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"You're alright. " he whispered into my hair.

He took out his phone and told his security to come to his room and to send the cops in the room next to us because he had the gun out and he didn't want to have any explaining to do.

His security team said that they'll be here in a minute. In exactly sixty seconds there was knocking on the door.

He unlocked the bathroom door and grabbed the gun from the sink once again.  He went to the door and told me to stay in the bathroom just in case.

He opened the door and it was just his security team. I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding.

"Come on Rose. " he motions for me to come by him.

We set the gun and knife back in the box and put it under his bed. The cops are taking the man away but his security team closes the door before he can see us in here.

The cops knock on the door and the security team opens is.

"Everyone alright ?" The officer asks.

"Yeah. " Martijn nodded.

"So, it looks like one of the gang members came to see if you were here. He killed five cops and gave concussions to four whilst the remaining number has minor injuries. " he told us what happens.

"The good news is that they don't know you're here yet. They just have suspicions because they can't find you. " I nodded at what he was saying.

"We've taken the member in for interrogations. We will let you know if we have any further details about it but in the meantime be very safe. " he said and walked out.

"Oh, I forgot. Just by the way, we're sending in more advanced cops. They will each have ear pieces to talk to one another. " he popped his head back in and then left.

"Well, thanks guys. " Martijn said to his team.

"Would you like us to be around the house and come check it up every now and then ?" They offered for our safety.

"That's a good idea and you guys do have the keys to my gate. Uhmm, yeah. " Martijn agreed with their idea.

"Okay. We will always have grey pants on. Then you know it's your team. " they said and left as well.

By the time everything was sorted out and everybody left it was 2:24 A.M. We were now downstairs again.

"What do you say we finish the cookies and then try and get some sleep ?" He mumbled and held me close to him.

"Hmm, okay. " I followed him to the kitchen. My small hand grasped in his larger one.

He turned the oven on and we had to wait thirty minutes for the cookies to bake.

"Would you like something to drink ?" He offered me while making me sit on the counter top.

"Water please. " I answered him.

He got a cup for me and one for himself. He stood next to me as we drank. He set his cup down while I just clutched mine in my hand.

"You okay ?" He asked and I could tell that he was asking on how I was actually feeling.

"Little shaken up but other than that I'm okay. " I say the honest truth.

"What about you ? Are you okay ?" I ask, turning to face him.

He takes my cup and puts it down by his. He stands in front of my and holds my hands.

"If I got you and if you're okay, then I'm okay too. " he said kissed my knuckles. I felt the heat rise to my face.

His eyes were locked with mine. It seems as if minutes passed and we didn't look away. His eyes were just so damn captivating.
He held my waist with one hand and put his forehead on mine, closing his eyes.

He stayed like that for a moment before he leant down and closed the gap. The kiss had meaning. He wanted me to be okay and to feel safe with him. I kissed him back and pulled his shirt to bring him closer.

I honestly don't think that I will ever get used to kissing him. It's like every time something erupts within me that makes me happy.
He had me trapped with his body against mine on the counter.

I was almost equal height to him now. He slipped his tongue in and stroked mine with his. My heart was thumping so loud in my chest.

My hands went up to his neck and shoulder. He took the opportunity to stand in between my legs and place both hands on my hips.

He was driving me crazy. We were rudely interrupted by the timer. He pulled away and caught his breath. He pecked my lips and then went to take the cookies out.

As we waited for them to cool down, he returned to his previous position in his stance between my legs. He wrapped his arms tightly around my body and rested his head on my shoulder.

Ten minutes later and we were eating cookies. I had three while he had about five. We headed to his room to get some sleep.

I got comfy on his shoulder and he tucked me in, wrapping his arm around me. I intertwined our legs and pressed a kiss on his shoulder.

He makes me feel safe. . .

A/N: does this chapter relieve some of you ? Did you like it ? The kissing scene!! Yay ;). Ahahaha :). 654 reads!! Thank you all so much!! Just by the way I put up a picture on Chapter 4 if you wanna go check it out well you know I like to hear your thoughts so...

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Thanks xx

I'm A Mess // M. G.Where stories live. Discover now